Spin the Bottle
January 17, 1999


Pancakes for breakfast this morning, and at a late breakfast to boot! Jean and I didn't get out of bed until after ten thirty (we figure we're due all the sleep we want considering where we'll be in less than three weeks). Jean made pancakes because she likes to have a nice Sunday breakfast. The table looked great: a study in white, brown and yellow with white porcelain plates, milk, coffee, pancakes, orange juice and the yellow roses from last night.

After breakfast we got ourselves together and went on our last major pre-baby shopping trip. We went to Target, where we bought diapers, Pedialyte, baby nail clippers and more. The toughest challenge today was figuring out baby bottles. There are several types, and we want a bottle that won't give the baby gas while having the lowest maintenance.

Jean also wanted to be sure that the bottles are microwave-safe , since we'll need to warm them eventually. All of the bottles specifically state that they should not be put in a microwave. We figure it's a liability issue, since microwaves don't heat liquid evenly: one scalded baby and the company's reputation is trashed.

Okay. So companies don't want to be sued. I get it. But are there bottles which are in fact mircrowavable, or do they all disintegrate upon having their teeny atoms agitated?

We bought one each of two models, the Playtex Avance and the Playtex bottles with Drop Ins. The idea of disposable bottle liners is intriguing, but only if the liners aren't obliterated by the microwave. Once we were home we put in phone calls to Joanna and Alice (our authorities for all things babyish). Both use one or the other system, and both use the microwave.

We're going to evaluate each of the bottles to see which we like best. My preference is to throw away whichever bottle system we don't prefer and get more of the one we like – it's simpler than maintaining both systems – but Jean thinks we should work with what we've got and not throw out things that work. She's right, of course, as she is about most things like this.

It was warm today. When we went shopping I didn't need a coat or even a sweater. As the day drew on the clouds grew thick, and we're expecting rain tonight and tomorrow. The forecast for later in the week says the highs will be in the low sixties.

listening: Spinner.com

reading: The New Father: A Dad's Guide to the First Year (Armin A. Brott)

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