Thank You
December 16, 1998


It's Thank You Note Night. We're writing notes to family and friends who attended our Thanksgiving baby shower in Philadelphia. And here with us for commentary is the soon-to-be mother of my child. Say hello JEAN!

Jean: It should have been Thank You Note Night two weeks ago.

Kevin: And WHO was supposed to remind me of this? Hmm?

Jean: Your conscience.

Kevin: Oh. (pause.) So how about the war in Iraq? What's that all about?

Kevin: Failing that, how about we write some notes! What about some music from while we write? Something Christmassy, perhaps?

Jean: I don't like the way I started this one.

Kevin: It's a good thing we bought TWO boxes of thank you note cards.

Jean: It's probably going to take longer if you type down everything I'm saying. Can I have another note card please?

Kevin (handing her a card): But isn't this much more fun than whatever way you had concocted of getting this done? Who am I writing?

Jean: Colette.

Kevin: And she gave us the...

Jean: Baby bathtub and towels.

Kevin: I knew that. I was just testing you. So is there anything you'd like to tell my immense audience?

Jean: Stretch marks are itchy.

Kevin: Oh-kay! I think that was the question everyone had running through their minds. Hey! I'm done my first one. I'm great at this! Who's next?

Jean: Shane and Joanna. They gave the shower, loaned us the Moses basket, a car seat and a monitor. They gave us a blanket, two baby outfits, a little teddy, and a ton of advice.

Kevin: Off I go...

Kevin: ...back again!

Jean: Okay. We have three more to go.

Kevin: Do we have to do them tonight?

Jean: Yes. It's only a total of seven. Grow up.

Kevin: How do you spell Snuggly? Never mind.

(vast seconds later)

Kevin: So that's it?

Jean: That's it!

Kevin: I'm good at that. Still, I don't think I'd be very good if I had to do it all the time. This is a big reason not to have ten children.

Jean: Noted. By the way, I'm much more fun than I sound on paper. Or disk.

Kevin: Actually, these are electrons. Completely recyclable, I might add.

Jean: I've never seen an electron recycling bin out by the curb...

Kevin: It's very small.

Jean: Hmmm. Bed time. The Bump and I have to be up early to go to work. Yes, for me, every day is "Take Your Daughter To Work Day."

(apologies to Pammie)

These clear cool days are getting me happy about Christmas. I've heard that it's going to get even colder this weekend. I'm sure we've no chance of a white Christmas, but a chilly one would be great!

reading: Banner Accounts Receivable System 3.2 Release Guide; 1 Maccabees; The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien)

listening: Something horrible from

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