Spring Fling
Monday, May 21, 2001

Today was Colette's first day at day care out of diapers. Ye Gods, but time flies. I can't say she's particularly interested in the achievement -- she doesn't dwell on the subject. She'd much rather read her books or play with her toys. But mama and I are pretty happy. She spent the whole day in underwear and didn't have one accident. While we're not out of the woods, the money we won't be sending to the kind folks at Huggies should be enough to get her through college someday.

This past weekend was the Goddard School's Spring Fling. We've gone each year, but this was the first where Colette could really enjoy herself. Before the actual fun part could begin, though, we had to deal with balloons. Like her mother when she was young, Colette is obsessed with balloons. Currently we have a huge mylar ladybug balloon floating around the house. I keep putting it into the guest room when she's gone to sleep, but she pulls it out right after breakfast or naptime.

When we got to Goddard, she couldn't see the festival. All that mattered were the balloons she saw, and she wasn't going to stabilize until she had one. They weren't for sale, but the teachers at the front desk knew Colette, and cut a balloon free from the check-in desk. A happy purple balloon for a happy little girl.

Colette went on the moonwalk, and even had the courage to walk into the petting zoo. She was just inches from petting a duck when it moved a little, unnerving Colette. We played around the yard at the different stations (fishing for little things, picking boats out of a pool to win a sticker, and so on). Just before we left, Colette took a ride on a pony.

I'm convinced she still remembers the balloon best of all, but it was a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon. That evening, Alice came over with Griffin and Madelyn. Madelyn is Colette's favorite playmate. She's four, so differences of age are there, but the two really enjoy each other's company.

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