Saving Adam Smith
by Jonathan B. Wight (Prentice Hall, 2002, 323 pp., $24.00; ISBN:0-13-065904-5.)

Links to Other Adam Smith Websites

The Liberty Fund On-Line Library
This is a key site for those wishing to search Smith's writings. Smith's Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments can be searched by word or topic. Select "Search Book" to begin.

The Adam Smith Institute
This pro-market think tank has the full text database search capability of Smith's TMS and WN, plus biographical details and other materials.  It also sells a 9-inch bust of the statesman.

History of Economic Thought Homepage
This has some excellent reference material on Smith, as well as many other good Web links to sites on Smith.

Account of the Life and Writings of Adam Smith LL.D.
This is a delightful brief biography of Smith by one of his contemporaneous friends, Dugald Stewart, first published in 1793.  It contains many interesting nuggets.

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