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Late Spring Woody Plants
The images are for educational purposes
and not intended for commercial use. (Last update: May 2012)
- Aesculus
hippocastanum-MAD-ARB01s - leaves
- Aesculus
hippocastanum - SmithCol01s - flowers
- Aesculus
hippocastanum - SmithCol03s - flowers close-up
- Aesculus pavia
- SmithCol01s - flowers and leaves
- Aesculus pavia
- JMU-ARB01s - flowers and leaves
- Aesculus pavia
- SmithCol02s - flower close-up
- Aesculus pavia
- SmithCol03s - flower close-up
- Aesculus pavia
- SmithCol04s - habit
- Aesculus pavia
- USNA01s - fruit
- Aesculus X carnea
- LGBG01s - flowers and leaves
- Aesculus
X carnea 'briotii' - SmithCol01s - habit
- Aesculus
X carnea 'briotii' - TOWER-HILL01S - flowers and leaves
- Aesculus
X carnea 'briotii' - TGIV-PT-UT02EDITs - fruits
- Amelanchier
arborea 'autumn brilliance' LGBG_01s - habit
- Amelanchier
laevis LGBG_01s - habit
- Amelanchier
laevis LGBG_02s - flowers
- Calycanthus
floridus - TOWER-HILL02s - flowers and leaves
- Calycanthus
floridus - 611_QU_01s - flower
- Calycanthus
floridus - LGBG01s - white flower form
- Calycanthus
floridus 'athens' - LGBG03s - yellow flower form
- Cercis
canadensis 'appalachian red' - LGBG01s - habit, flowering
- Cercis
canadensis 'tennessee pink' - LGBG01s - habit, flowering
- Cercis
canadensis 'forest pansy' - JMU-ARB01s - habit, foliage
- Cercis canadensis
- UR01s - leaves and fruits
- Cercis canadensis
- UR02s - flowers on trunk
- Cercis canadensis
- UR04s - fall color
- Cercis
chinensis 'avondale' LGBG02s - habit
- Cercis
chinensis 'avondale' LGBG04s - flowers
- Chionanthus virginicus
- LGBG14s - habit
- Chionanthus
virginicus - 611QU01s - flowers
- Cladrastis kentuckea
-LG02s - habit
- Cladrastis kentuckea
- LG01s - flowers
- Cladrastis
kentuckea- USNA01s - fruits
- Cornus florida
- UR01s - habit, flowering
- Cornus florida
- UR08s - habit, flowering
- Cornus florida
- UR07s - habit, fall color
- Cornus florida
- barkUR01s - bark
- Cornus florida
- UR02s - flowers
- Cornus florida
- UR03s - flowers close-up
- Cornus
florida 'rubra' - UR01s - flowers
- Cornus
florida 'rubra' - UR02s - flowers close-up
- Cornus florida
- LGBG01s - fall color and flower buds
- Cornus florida
- LGBG05s - fall color and flower buds
- Cornus kousa
- LG01s - habit
- Cornus kousa
- UR02s - bark
- Cornus kousa
- VATECH01s - flowers and leaves
- Cornus kousa
- UR03s - fruits
- Cornus kousa
- UR01s - fruit and leaves
- Cornus kousa
- UR03s - fruits, close-up
- Cytissus scoparius
- 03s - stems, leaves, flowers - CAUTION: shows potential to
become invasive
- Cytissus scoparius
- 02s - habit - CAUTION: shows potential to become invasive
- Cytissus scoparius
- 04s - flowers - CAUTION: shows potential to become invasive
- Cytissus scoparius
- 05s - close-up of flower - CAUTION: shows potential to become
- Davidia involucrata
- LGBG01s - leaves
- Davidia involucrata
- USNA01s - flowers
- Deutzia
gracilis 'nikko' - LGBG01s - habit
- Deutzia
scabra 'punctata' - LGBG01s - leaves and flowers
- Deutzia
scabra 'punctata' - LGBG02s - leaves and flowers
- Enkianthus
campanulatus - 611QU02s - flowers
- Enkianthus
campanulatus - TOWER-HILL02s - flowers and leaves
- Enkianthus
campanulatus 'showy lantern' - TOWER-HILL03s - habit
- Enkianthus
campanulatus 'showy lantern' - TOWER-HILL01s - flowers
- Enkianthus
campanulatus 'showy lantern' - TOWER-HILL04s - flowers
with raindrops
- Fothergilla
gardenii - LGBG01s - flowers
- Fothergilla
gardenii - TOWER-HILL01s - flower clusters
- Fothergilla
gardenii - TOWER-HILL02s - flower cluster
- Fothergilla major
- NGB01s - habit
- Fothergilla
major 'mt airy' NGB01s - habit
- Fothergilla major
- LGBG01s - flowers and leaves
- Fothergilla
major - TOWER-HILL03S - leaves, flowers and young fruits
- Fothergilla major
- MILLSAPS02s - fall color
- Gelsemium
sempervirens - LGBG06s - leaves and flower
- Halesia tetraptera
- LGBG01s - leaves and flowers
- Halesia tetraptera
- LGBG03s - leaves
- Illicium_'woodland_ruby'_BOT-GARD-WASH-DC - leaves and flowers
Illicium_'woodland_ruby' - NBG05s - flower closeup
- NBG13s - habit
- Illicium_floridanum_'athens' - LGBG03as -
flower closeup
- Illicium_floridanum - NBG02s - flower closeup
Illicium_floridanum - NBG14s - leaves and flowers
Illicium_floridanum - NBG22s - flower and flower bud closeup
Illicium_floridanum - NBG23s - habit
- Kalmia latifolia
UR04s - habit, young plant
- Kalmia latifolia
SMITH-COL03S - habit, mature plants
- Kalmia latifolia
UR02s - flowers and leaves
- Kalmia latifolia
UR03s - flowers
- Kalmia
latifolia 'kalaidescope' - NBG01s - flowers
- Kerria
japonica 'pleniflora' - LGBG03s - habit
- Kerria
japonica 'pleniflora' - LGBG01s - double flowers
- Kerria
japonica 'pleniflora' - LGBG02s - double flowers
- Kerria japonica
- LGBG01s - typical single flowers
- Kerria
japonica 'golden guinea' - LGBG03s - single flowers
- Kerria
japonica 'variegata' - LGBG01s - single flowers (variegated
- Ligustrum_lucidum
- HAMPTON-U01s - habit (pruned specimen) with flowers
Ligustrum_lucidum -
LGBG01s - leaves and mature fruits
Ligustrum_sinense -
4760-AN01s - leaf and flower cluster - CAUTION: invasive
Ligustrum_sinense -
PNWR01s - leaves and immature fruits - CAUTION: invasive
- Lonicera japonica
- UR03s - vine habit with flowers - CAUTION: extremely invasive
- Lonicera japonica
- UR04s - leaves - CAUTION: extremely invasive
- Lonicera japonica
- UR02s - flowers and leaves - CAUTION: extremely invasive
- Lonicera
japonica - TGIVPT-UT01s - flowers and leaves -
CAUTION: extremely invasive
- Lonicera japonica
- USNA01s - leaves and fruits - CAUTION: extremely invasive
- Lonicera japonica
- USNA02s - leaves and fruits - CAUTION: extremely invasive
- Lonicera
sempervirens - LGBG01s - leaves and flowers
- Lonicera
sempervirens - LGBG03s - leaves and flowers
- Lonicera
sempervirens 'sulphurea' - LGG01s - leaves and flowers
- Loropetalum
chinense - NBG02s - habit
- Loropetalum
- LGBG08s - habit
- Loropetalum
chinense 'pizzaz' - NBG01s - habit
- Loropetalum
chinense - NBG01s - flowers
- Loropetalum
chinense - LGBG07s - habit (white flowers)
- Loropetalum
chinense - LGBG01s - flowers (white)
- Malus 'red
jade' NBG02s - tree
- Malus 'red
jade' NBG01s - fruits
- Malus sp LGBG01s
- tree habit
- Paulownia
tomentosa - BLITHEWOLD01s - flowers - CAUTION: extremely
- Paulownia
tomentosa - BLITHEWOLD02s - flower, close-up - CAUTION:
extremely invasive
- Philadelphus
'snowflake' - LGBG02s - flower
- Prunus
laurocersus 'schipkaensis' LBGB03s - habit
- Prunus
laurocersus 'schipkaensis' LBGB04s - flowers and leaves
- Prunus
laurocersus 'otto luyken' -NBG02s - flowers
- Prunus laurocersus
- NBG03s - branch with flowers and leaves
- Prunus laurocersus
- UR02s - flowers, close-up
- Prunus sargentii
LGBG01s - flowers and leaves
- Prunus serotina
- 3s - flowers
- Prunus serotina
- 1s - leaves and flowers
- Prunus
serrulata 'kwanzan' - UR03s - habit
- Prunus
serrulata 'kwanzan' - UR01s - flowers
- Prunus
subhirtella 'pendula' - LGBG01s - habit
- Prunus x yedoensis
- LGBG02s - habit
- Prunus x yedoensis
- UR03s - bark
- Prunus x yedoensis
- UR08s - flowering branches
- Prunus x yedoensis
- UR07s - flowers, close-up
- Pyrus
calleryana 'bradford' - UR05s - habit - CAUTION: extremely
- Pyrus
calleryana 'bradford' - HENRICO02s - habit, after loss
of central branches - CAUTION: extremely invasive
- Pyrus
calleryana 'bradford' - UR01s - flowers - CAUTION: extremely
- Pyrus
calleryana 'bradford' - UR02s - flower close-up - CAUTION:
extremely invasive
- Rhododendron
atlanticum - JMU-arb01s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
atlanticum - JMU-arb02s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
calendulaceum - JMU-arb01s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
calendulaceum - JMU-arb02s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
canescens 'varnado pink' - NBG01s - habit
- Rhododendron
canescens 'varnado pink'- NBG02s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
canescens 'varnado pink'- NBG03s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
X exbury - 611QU01s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
X exbury - 611QU03s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
'gibraltar' - LGBG01s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
'gibraltar' - SMITHCOL01s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
maximum (purple) - W-MA01s - habit
- Rhododendron
maximum (purple) - JMU-ARB02s - flower cluster
- Rhododendron
maximum (white) - LGBG01s - flowers
- Rhododendron
maximum (white) - LGBG02s - flower, close-up
- Rhododendron
periclymenoides - 5MI-R05s - flowers and leaves
- Rhododendron
periclymenoides - 5MI-R01s - flowers and leaves
- Robinia pseudoacacia
- UR01s - leaves
- Robinia pseudoacacia
- UR03s - leaves
- Spiraea
japonica 'candlelight' - LGBG01s - habit
- Spiraea
japonica 'candlelight' - LGBG02s - flowers and leaves
- Spiraea
japonica 'lemon princess' - NBG02s - flowers
- Spiraea
prunifolia 'plena' - 5238GOOCHLAND06s - habit
- Spiraea
prunifolia 'plena' - 5238GOOCHLAND02s - flowers
- Spiraea
prunifolia 'plena' - 5238GOOCHLAND04s - flowers, close-up
- Spiraea
thunbergii 'ogon' -LGBG02s - habit
- Spiraea
thunbergii 'ogon'
-LGBG04s - flowers, close-up
- Spiraea
thunbergii 'tor' -JMU-ARB02s - flowers and leaves
- Spiraea
x bumalda 'dolchica' -LGBG01s - flowers and leaves
- Spiraea
x bumalda 'gold flame' - LGBG02s - leaves
- Spiraea
X vanhouttei - SMITHCOL01s - habit
- Spiraea
X vanhouttei - TOWER-HILL01s - habit
- Stewartia
monadelpha - USNA01s - habit
- Stewartia
monadelpha -USNA02s - bark
- Styrax japonicus
- LG01s - habit
- Styrax japonicus
- LG02s - flowers
- Styrax japonicus
- LG04s - flowers, viewed from below
- Styrax japonicus
- LGBG01s - leaves and fruits
- Styrax
japonicus 'pendula' - LGBG04s - habit
- Styrax obassia
- SMITHCOL04s - habit
- Styrax obassia
- SMITHCOL02s - flowers and leaves
- Styrax obassia
- SMITHCOL01s - flowers and leaves
- Styrax obassia
- SMITHCOL03s - flowers
- Syringa
meyeri 'palibin' - LGBG01s - flowers and leaves
- Syringa
reticulata 'ivory silk' - NBG01s - habit
- Syringa
vulgaris 'ludwig von spaeth' - TOWER-HILL01s - habit
- Syringa
vulgaris 'ludwig von spaeth' - TOWER-HILL02s - flowers
- Viburnum
carlesii 'aurora' - LGBG02s - flowers and leaves
- Viburnum carlesii - LGBG01s -
flowers and flower buds
- Viburnum
- RED-BUTTE-UT01s - leaves
- Viburnum
carlesii - TOWER-HILL01s - leaves and young fruits
- Viburnum
opulus - BLITHEWOLD01s - flowers and leaves
- Viburnum
opulus - BLITHEWOLD02s - flowers and leaves
- Viburnum opulus
- LGBG01s - leaves and fruits (red)
- Viburnum
- RED-BUTTE-UT01s - leaves and fruits (yellow)
- Viburnum
plicatum var. tomentosum - TOWER-HILL02s - habit
- Viburnum
plicatum var. tomentosum - TOWER-HILL01s - flowering
- Viburnum
plicatum var. tomentosum - TOWER-HILL03s - one flower
- Viburnum
plicatum 'mariesii' - LGBG02s - flowering branchlets
- Viburnum
plicatum 'mariesii' - LGBG03s - leaves and fruits
- Viburnum
plicatum 'shasta' - LGBG03s - habit
- Viburnum
plicatum 'shasta' - LGBG05s - flowering branches
- Viburnum
plicatum 'shasta' - LGBG02s - flowers
- Viburnum
X rhytidophylloides - LGBG02s - leaves
- Viburnum
X rhytidophylloides - LGBG01s - flowers
- Viburnum
utile 'chesapeake' - LGBG01s - flowering branches
- Viburnum
utile 'eskimo' - LGBG06s - habit
- Viburnum
utile 'eskimo' - LGBG02s - flowers
- Viburnum
X burkwoodii - LGBG02s - flowers and leaves
- Viburnum
X burkwoodii - LGBG01s - fruits
- Viburnum
X burkwoodii 'mohawk' - NBG01s - flowers
- Viburnum X juddii
- LGBG01s - flowers
- Viburnum X
pragense - LGBG01s - flowers and leaves
- Viburnum X
pragense - LGBG02s - flowers and leaves
- Viburnum X
pragense - LGBG03s - flowers and leaves
- Viburnum X
pragense - LGBG05s - leaves
- Weigela florida
- BLITHEWOLD01s - flowers and leaves
- Weigela florida
- BLITHEWOLD02s - flowers
- Weigela florida
- s - flowers
- Wisteria frutescens -
LGs - habit
- Wisteria
frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' - LGBG08s - flower buds
- Wisteria
frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' - LGBG09s - leaves and flowers
Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' - GREATBIGGREENHOUSE01s -
leaves and flowers
- Wisteria
frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' - LGBG11s - flowers close-up
Locations where photos were taken (codes embedded in photo
file names):
- Blithewold Mansion, Gardens, and Arboretum, Bristol, RI
- Goochland Co, VA
- Hampton University, Hampton, VA
- Henrico Co, VA
- James Madison University Arboretum, Harrisonburg, VA
- Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Richmond, VA
- Longwood Gardens, Kennet Square, PA
- Madison Arboretum (Univ of Wisconsin Madison Arboretum),
Madison, WI
- Millsaps College, Jackson, MI
- Norfolk Botanical Garden, Norfolk, VA
- Presquille National Wildlife Refuge, Hopewell, VA
Red Butte Botanical Garden, Salt Lake City, UT
- Smith College, Northampton, MA
- Thanksgiving Point, UT
- Tower Hill Botanical Garden, West Boylston, MA
- University of Richmond, Richmond, VA
- US Botanical Gardens, Washington, DC
- US National Arboretum, Washington, DC
- Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
- Whitinsville, MA
- 5-Mile River, above Ballouville, CT
- 611 Qu, a residence in Chesterfield Co, VA
- 4760-AN, a residence in Powhatan Co. VA