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Biology 102 - Exploring Human Biology

Fall 2002

This syllabus is subject to modification as the semester progresses

Instructor: W. John Hayden
Office: Science Center E-201
Office Hours:
you are welcome to drop in any time or make an appointment; there is a high probability that I will be in my office or in a nearby lab on MWF 9:30–12:00 noon and 1:30–2:30 pm

Phone: 289-8232
e-mail: jhayden (at) richmond (dot) edu

Required Materials:

- Human Biology: Health, Homeostasis, and the Environment. Daniel Chiras. 4th edition
- Biology 102 Laboratory Manual (Fall 2002) Available in the Bookstore.

Lecture sections:

Section 01 - MWF 8:15–9:05, Gottwald Science Center CB-01
Section 02 - MWF 2:40–3:30, Gottwald Science Center CB-01

Lab: Room E-111, consult your schedule for section times

Course Goals:

This is a course especially designed for the general education student, i.e., persons not majoring in the sciences. It fulfills UR's Field of Study - Natural Science requirement. In this course you will gain experience with the scientific method and its applications to the biology of human beings. You should learn how to apply the principles and methods of science to a wide range of issues, you should sharpen your critical thinking skills, and you should gain new perspectives about numerous matters that affect your own life as an inhabitant of this planet. We hope that you find this course to be exciting, challenging, and fun as you sharpen your appreciation of your biological self and the other living organisms that share this Earth with you. This course is not an entry into the biology major, nor will it satisfy biology requirements for graduate school or the health professions.

Lecture and Lab Attendance Policy:

I expect every student to attend each lecture, since your overall success in the tests and quizzes in this course will depend on listening to lectures and taking comprehensive notes. Please sign the attendance roster as it circulates at each class. Please be on time for class. It is rude and disruptive to come to class late. You are welcome to tape lectures as an aid to learning the material in the course.

Lab attendance is mandatory. One unexcused absence from lab will result in a zero for that lab. Subsequent unexcused absences will result in automatic failure of the course. If you have a formal written excused absence (from the Dean or a Doctor) for a particular lab day, you may switch to another lab section only after obtaining the consent of the lab instructors involved.

Honor Code:

The Honor Code Statute is University-wide and the Biology Department regards any breech of the Honor Code as a serious offense. You will be asked to sign the honor pledge accompanying any work you hand in for the course. The pledge is as follows: "I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance during the completion of this work." Honor Code violations include: cheating, plagiarism, academic theft, lying, disclosing honor council information, registration irregularity, and failure to report an Honor Code Statute violation. Any person who violates these standards shall be subjected to disciplinary action ranging from reprimand up to and including expulsion from the University.

Evaluation (Lecture):

There will be three tests, four quizzes, and a final exam. Tests will consist of 50 multiple choice questions. The overwhelming majority of test material will come from lecture. Material from assigned readings (text or supplementary) may appear on tests. There will also be four lecture quizzes worth 20 or 25 points. Quizzes will be based on supplementary readings and information covered in class (to make sure that you are keeping up). The final exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions that will cover material since the third exam as well as the material from earlier in the semester. No "extra-credit" opportunities.

Test Make-up Policy:

Contact your instructor BEFOREHAND if you must miss any test, quiz, or exam. A valid medical excuse or note from the dean's office will facilitate granting of make-up opportunities.



Lecture Schedule: (subject to modification as the semester progresses)


Aug 26 - Introduction; Chapt. 1: Life in the Balance

Sept 02 - Chapt. 2: The Chemistry of Life; F Sept 6: Lecture Quiz 1

Sept 09 - Chapt. 3: The Life of the Cell

Sept 16 - Chapt. 15: Chromosomes, Cell Division & Cancer

Sept 23 - Chapt. 16: Human Heredity (Meiosis & Mendelian Genetics); M Sept 23: Lecture Test 1

Sept 30 - Chapt. 17: Molecular Genetics; Chapt. 18: Genetic Engineering/Biotech; F Oct 4: Lecture Quiz 2

Oct 07 - Chapt. 4: Structure and Function (Cells, tissues, organs, homeostasis)

Oct 14 - FALL BREAK Oct 14 & 15; Chapt 5: Nutrition & Digestion

Oct 21 - Chapt. 6: The Circulatory System; M Oct 21: Lecture Test 2

Oct 28 - Chapt. 9: The Vital Exchange: Respiration; Chapt. 8: Immune System

Nov 04 - Chapt. 8: Immune System (continued); F Nov 8: Lecture Quiz 3

Nov 11 - Chapt. 19: Human Reproduction

Nov 18 - Chapt. 20: Human Development & Aging; M Nov 18: Lecture Test 3

Nov 25 - Chapt. 21: Evolution; THANKSGIVING BREAK Nov 27–Dec 1

Dec 02 - Chapt. 21: Evolution (continued); Chapt. 22: Human Evolution; F Dec 6: Lecture Quiz 4

Final Exams:

- Section 01 (MWF at 8:15) - Friday December 13, 2:00 - 5:00 pm
- Section 02 (MWF at 2:40) - Friday December 13, 9:00 - 12:00 noon

Supplemental Readings:

Periodically, text material and lecture topics will be enhanced via supplementary readings. Expect a total of eight articles over the course of the semester. Material from supplementary readings will appear on lecture quizzes and will constitute about half the quiz. These readings will be available in the Science Library Reserve Desk and/or they may be obtainable on-line. Details about the supplemental readings will be announced in class.


Lab Syllabus - to be distributed in lab


Point System for Course Grades:

100 - Lecture Quizzes, 4 @ 20 or 25 points each
300 - Lecture Tests, 3 @ 100 points each
200 - Final Lecture Exam, 1, @ 200 points
200 - Lab Write-ups & Quizzes, see lab for details
100 - Debate (lab), 1, @ 100 points

900 - Total


Grade Scale:

% Points Grade

97-100 873-900 A+
93-96.9 837-872 A
90-92.9 810-836 A-
87-89.9 783-809 B+
83-86.9 747-782 B
80-82.9 720-746 B-
77-79.9 693-719 C+
73-76.9 657-692 C
70-72.9 630-656 C-
67-69.9 603-629 D+
63-66.9 567-602 D
60-62.9 540-566 D-
0-59.9 0-539 F