Short Paper #9


1. Reread Section X of An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.

2. Give a full justification for each premises, i.e. sentences 1, 2, and 3, of the following argument. Feel free to appeal to Hume, but make sure that your justifications are clear, concise, cogent, and complete.

1. For any alleged miracle, m, there is a proof against the occurrence of m.
2. For any alleged miracle, m, there is no proof, but at best a probability, for the occurrence of m.
3. In the case of opposed arguments we should believe the conclusion of the superior argument to the degree that remains after deducting the force of the inferior argument.
4. For any alleged miracle, m, we should not believe m occurred.

3. Evaluate the argument. [(i) is the argument valid? (ii) are all the premises true? (iii) does the argument beg the question?]

4. Suggest and defend at least one reason why this argument may be faulty.



Extra directions: Complete this homework on separate paper. Put your name on this sheet and staple this sheet to your answers. Remember to pledge your work!



Due: Tuesday, April 6, at the beginning of class.


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