For every class period in which a philosophy reading is due you are required to submit at least one question regarding at least one such reading. Note: If two philosophy readings are due, you need submit a question about one reading. If only fiction is due, then you are not required to submit a question.
Vague, general, or trivial questions are unacceptable, as are questions which can easily be answered by looking in a reference source such as a dictionary, a philosophical dictionary or a philosophical encyclopedia.
Examples of unacceptable questions [these are questions I might ask you and expect you to be able to answer]:
Examples of acceptable questions:
Questions are due via email, ggoddu @ richmond . edu by 12 pm prior class. A set of questions, at least one of which is acceptable, will receive one point. A set of questions with no acceptable questions will receive no points. Late questions will not be accepted.
I fully understand that in some instances circumstances may be such that you are unable to do the reading for a particular class day. As a result, if you are unable to do the reading, you will be unable to provide me with an acceptable question. You have available three, and only three, 'passes' which you may use to avoid being penalized for not submitting a question. Passes are used by sending me an email to the following effect by the normal deadline, i.e. 10 am prior to class:
Prof. Goddu,
I regret that I have been unable to do the reading required for today's class and request that I be exempted from submitting a question for today. I understand that I am responsible for reading and understanding this material as soon as possible.
Your name