Philosophy 251

Writing Assignment #3

General Information for Completing Writing Assignments:

(i) Each assignment is worth up to ten points. You will get one point for providing the correct answer and up to nine points for clearly and concisely justifying whatever answer you give. Note, that the emphasis is on justifying your solution regardless of whether it is correct or not. (Imagine that you are writing a solution that is to appear in a magazine in which the problem was presented in an earlier issue. Hence, you need to clearly and fully explain why the answer is the way it is, such that the readers will understand exactly why the answer is the way it is.) Below are some questions that I will ask when evaluating your assignments.

  1. Is the answer clearly stated and identified as the answer?
  2. Is the answer answering the question asked?
  3. Does the student justify the answer actually given?
  4. Does the student fail to account for (or contradict) a relevant fact from the problem?
  5. Does the student make any assumptions not warranted by the problem?
  6. Does the student contradict him/herself in the answer or justification?
  7. Would the justification be understandable to someone who has read the problem, but does not know the answer?

(ii) All assignments must be your own individual and independent work and be pledged. By 'your own individual and independent work' I understand that the student will not have discussed the assignment with any other individual or looked at any other individual's solution prior to the assignment being handed in.

(iii) All assignments are to be done on separate sheets of paper. Each sheet of paper must have your name on it.

(iv) Late assignments receive no credit.

The Crazy Professor

Professor McSnurd is brilliant, but odd. On Mondays and Tuesdays he knows which statements are true and which are false. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, however, he is crazy and takes all true statements to be false and all false statements to be true. To make matters worse, on Mondays and Wednesdays, McSnurd always tells the truth (as he sees it), while on Tuesdays and Thursdays, he always tells lies (as he sees it). On the other three days McSnurd is nowhere to be found and never says a word.

One day a student asked McSnurd "Is today Monday?" McSnurd answered with a 'yes' or with a 'no' and the student still did not know what day it was, so the student asked, "Do you believe today is Thursday?" Upon hearing McSnurd's answer, again a 'yes' or a 'no', the student then knew exactly what day it was.

Is there enough information for you to determine what day it was? Justify your answer.

Due: Monday, March 3, at the beginning of class.


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