Even Harder Extra PL Translations--Solutions
1. Every administrator earns more than some faculty member, and every faculty member earns more than some administrator.
y( Fy & Exy )] &
y( Ay & Exy )]
2. If any administrator earns more than every faculty member, Jones does.
x[Ax &
y( Fy
Exy )]
y( Fy
Ejy )
3. No faculty member earns more than the president.
~y( Fy & Eyp )
4. Any administrator who earns more than every faculty member should be fired.
x{[Ax &
y( Fy
Exy )]
Rx }
5. No faculty member earns more than the president, but some coaches do.
~y( Fy & Eyp ) &
y( Cy & Eyp )
6. There is an administrator who is a faculty member and is distrusted by all administrators who are not faculty members.
x[(Ax & Fx ) &
y{(Ay & ~Fy)
Dyx }]
7. Every faculty member who is an M.D. earns more than every faculty member who is not an M.D.
x{[Fx & Mx]
y[( Fy & ~My)
Exy ]}
8. Every faculty member who is an administrator earns more than some faculty members who are not administrators.
x{[Fx & Ax]
y[( Fy & ~Ay) & Exy ]}
9. At least one administrator who is not a faculty member earns more than every faculty member who is not an administrator.
x{[~Fx & Ax] &
y[( Fy & ~Ay)
Exy ]}
10. No professor bores every student who enrolls in some class the professor teaches.
~x( Px &
y{( Sy &
z[(Cz & Txz) & Eyz ])
Bxy })
11. Some faculty members distrust every administrator and some administrators distrust every faculty member.
x[Fx &
y( Ay
Dxy )] &
x[Ax &
y( Fy
Dxy )]
12. Some faculty member who is distrusted by some administrator is respected by every faculty member not distrusted by some administrator.
x([Fx &
y( Ay & Dyx )] &
y{[ Fy &
z(Az & ~Dzy)]
Ryx })
13. Anyone who distrusts everyone is either paranoid or an administrator or a union officer.
[Px v ( Ax v Ux )]}
14. Everyone distrusts someone, but only administrators who are not faculty members distrust everyone.
yDxy & ~
x[( ~Ax & ~Fx ) &
yDxy ]
15. Professors don't understand the students they bore, and students don't listen to the professors they are bored by.
y{( Sy & Bxy)
~Uxy }] &
y{( Py & Byx)
~Lxy }]