changing to a new data set.

1. set $use_existing_data = 0 in

2. rm E5_run_numbers.inp

3. cp new file with run numbers to E5_run_numbers.inp.

4. set the correct $RUNFILE in (line 18 in /home/rb3cf/pcorr/run/, 6/14/05). 

5. change subdirectory on copy command (e.g., line 63 in /home/rb3cf/pcorr/run/, 6/14/05)

6. remove the old data on the slaves with 'bpsh -a rm -r /scratch/gilfoyle/e5/'.

7. Change the electron and proton fiducial cuts to the appropriate set in eod5.C.

8. Change the constants (e.g. beam energy, MM2 cuts, etc) in user_eod5.h.

9. Recompile.

10. Set the path in run_eod5.C or run_eod.C.

11. Check the dead_nodes list in

12. run it.

changing to round robin mode.

1. set $use_existing_data = 1 in

2. run it.