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power problems on Jan 1st / 2nd???!

Hey Dr. G

Thanks for your email the other day. Hope you had a good new year too.

There apparently was a power cut sometime either on the night of the 1st
or the 2nd, because when i came into work this morning all the nodes in
the old cluster were turned off. While most of the nodes came back up
successfully, Psc11 is not starting up at all (cant powerup the machine).
Its possible that the power surge/cut might have blown a fuse or smthg..(
or the power supply itself). Psc8 also continues to have problems with its
SCSI device.

Just thought i'd fill you in on the latest development with PSC11. Please
do let me know the suitable course of action you'd like me to take.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
