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Re: plans for next year

Hi Dr. G

Good to hear from you. I'll definitely check with Vikash regarding his
plans and availability for the summer and beyond and get back to you asap.
I am hoping he is knows C++ since he only recently must have taken CS301
that requires it.

As for myself, my C++ is really rusty since I havn't done any programming
for the last couple of years....all my CS classes have pretty much been
theoretically based or involved working on databases/DBMS. Also, I worked
on root for a limited period of time during my summer stint 2 years back.
I could try to refresh myself on it, though I am not too sure how much I'd
be able to accomplish over the limited period we have during winter break.

Are we still planning on moving the old cluster over winter break? I also
recall mentioning that we need to research into replacing the old cluster
boxes with new ones this coming summer.....I havn't really touched the
linux boxes since early on in the semester and I suspect upgrades and
application of security patches are needed ....

I am really sorry for not being of much help during the semester....last
four months have been nothing short of gruesome...cant wait to be done...

hope to talk to you soon


> hi adnan,
>    sorry i took so long to get back to you. there are certainly
> things to do over the winter break. how familiar are you with
> root? C++? i would love to have vikash jump on the bandwagon,
> but my question is how long of a ride does he want. if he can
> only be on board for a week or two that may not be long enough
> unless he already knows things like root and C++. let me know
> what you think.
> gpg
> Adnan Iqbal wrote:
>> Hi Dr G
>> Just thought I'd drop a quickline and say hi.
>> Hope things are going well at your end and you're enjoying the company
>> of baby 'dude'....
>> please do lemme know if had a chance to give the winter break project
>> a little more thought....i spoke to Vikash and he's excited to join
>> the bandwagon...perhaps we can catch up sometime this coming week?
>> Happy Thanksgiving!!!
>> cheers
>> -Adnan
>> > hi adnan,
>> >
>> >    how is the new year going? hope you haven't had too many
>> > catastrophes with all your 'kids'. i am going to be at
>> > richmond tomorrow and i was wondering what your plans are for
>> > the rest of this year and next summer. are you planning to
>> > work on the cluster administration at all? i would, of course, love
>> to have you. we are now getting some help from information services.
>> they recently hired a linux person who is helping
>> > out with all of our linux machines in the department. i also
>> > have some thoughts about upgrading the new cluster next
>> > summer by replacing the machines in the old cluster and adding them
>> to the new cluster.
>> >
>> >    do you have time to meet on wednesday? i will be around most
>> > of the day. let me know what you think.
>> >
>> > gpg
>> >
>> > --
>> > Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
>> > Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
>> University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
>> > USA                               fax:    804-289-8482
>> Adnan Iqbal
>> UR Box 0581
>> 28 Westhampton Way
>> Richmond, VA 23173
>> aiqbal@richmond.edu
>> (804)-662-3577
> --
> Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
> Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
> USA                               fax:    804-289-8482

Adnan Iqbal
UR Box 0581
28 Westhampton Way
Richmond, VA 23173