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Re: the Richmond saga continues


It looks like I will need to make a few additional adjustments. To be
fully effective, I need the whole cluster booted up if possible. That way,
I can look for any oddities or excettions and make it just work.


On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, gilfoyle wrote:

> Hi Steven,
>    The saga continues. After you made your changes last Friday I was 
> able to run root on the slaves 0-2. I could execute it from the master 
> using the following command. 
> bpsh 0 root -b -q /scratch/gilfoyle/e5/24023/run_eod3.C
> I was also able to run my scripts for just those two nodes. On Sunday, 
> I rebooted the remaining nodes (3-48), removed the /home area and put 
> in a link home->/usr/home. I then started to run ten jobs which would 
> run on nodes 0-9. The master hung: wouldn't budge. I rebooted the 
> master and brought up slaves 0-5 and tried again and got the same 
> results. After rebooting the master and slaves 0-5 this is what I have 
> noticed. 
> 1. I ran my scripts without running root and they appeared to work!
> 2. There are two sub-directories on slave 0, /include and /cint that 
> are not visible on any of the other slaves. These two subdirectories 
> are needed by root.  This would seem to be a smoking gun for the 
> problem except for one thing. Slave 1 seemed to run root successfully 
> even though those areas are not visible to it.
> 3. I can run root on slaves 3-5 from the master using the bpsh 
> command. The master only gets hung when I am running my script. I am 
> using perl for these scripts and I have attached them to this message. 
> Perhaps there is some library that perl needs??
> 4. The problem seems to be with the nodes that I rebooted on Sunday 
> and not the ones you worked on last Friday. Did I reboot them 
> incorrectly? I checked some of the permissions of directories on the 
> slaves and they all appear to be the same.
> I have rebooted the master and nodes 0-5. I am at JLab this week so I
> can only work on this sporadically, but I will try to get as much 
> done as I can.
> Let me know what you think.
> Jerry
> p.s. description of perl scripts:
> submit_eod3c.pl - main script, does some housekeeping and generates the
> input file for the batch command.
> run_root_on_node2.pl - copies files over to the slave, runs root, and 
> cleans up.

-------------------------steven james, director of research, linux labs
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