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cluster status - down


the cluster is still down. i have exchanged messages with 
steven james who gave me a fix that did not seem to work.
i've had to reboot the cluster remotely since i'm at jlab
(i.e., i call janice and she hits the buttons). i will try
to get back to richmond tomorrow afternoon and work on this.

other tasks to be done:

1. install motif (for sasko). i believe version 2.1 is the latest. 

2. create a users group and put all of the user accounts in
it (sasko).

3. build clas software after 1 is done(luminita).

4. set up my uid (or my permissions) so i can get to pscm1 from 
from gpg2 (me and/or sasko).



Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
USA                               fax:    804-289-8482