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Re: cluster status


i don't think this is related to the problem below, but don't forget to install
Motiff or we won't be able to build the CLAS software.


"Gerard P. Gilfoyle" wrote:

Hi Folks,

Status of the cluster:

1. Modified hosts.allow and hosts.deny so everyone can log in remotely
as before. Please check this out and let me know of any problems.

2.  Default shell is tcsh on gilfoyle, vineyard, and luminita.

3. Moved home directories from /home to /usr/home/ because of size

4. emacs installed.

5. cernlib installed, but not tested.

6. root installed and tested on the master. there is a colormap
problem when you run root on remote machines, but this is, i think, a
problem that we have seen before and it lies with the remote machine.
running root even in batch mode works fine on the master (this is
important for the next item).

7. test cluster - PROBLEM: the script i was using before works until
it actually runs root. the command i submit is, for example, the

bpsh 3 root -b -q /scratch/gilfoyle/e5/24028/run_eod3.C

the error message i get is then

root: error while loading shared libraries: libXpm.so.4: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

the library libXpm.so.4 is located in /usr/X11R6/lib/ on pscm1 so
presumably this is an environment variable problem. i have tried
various fixes, but all have failed. root uses LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find
its libraries, but it still fails to find libXpm.so.4 when i
explicitly add  /usr/X11R6/lib/ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH or even when i put
libXpm.so.4 in $ROOTSYS/lib (where the root libraries are normally
kept). i am wondering if this is a problem caused by me changing the
location of the user directories from /home to /usr/home/. perhaps
nimbus can no longer get the correct environment because i've moved
the user directories. when i execute the command

root -b -q run_eod3.C

on the master things work fine. i will contact steven james today about
this today.

if you have any ideas, let me know.


Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
USA                               fax:    804-289-8482

Michael F. Vineyard                     Phone: (518) 388-8353
Department of Physics                   Fax:   (518) 388-6947
Union College                           E-mail: vineyarm@union.edu
Schenectady, NY 12308                   http://www1.union.edu/~vineyarm