From: Julian Schroeder <>
To: "Audrey Ichida" <>
Subject: science policy summer intern
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:43:02 -0700
Hi Audrey,
We are working on an interdisciplinary graduate student training
grant at UCSD, The Salk Institute and The Scripps Research Institute that
focuses on genomics,
proteomics, and computational biology (bioinformatics). This graduate
program will include the option for students to do either an internship in
a laboratory abroad or in the biotechnology industry. We would also like to
include the option of doing a science policy internship. Such an internship
would take place during a summer for about 6 weeks. The stipends and travel
costs of the student would be covered by the training grant. I assume that
this program might send one selected and highly qualified student to do a
public/science policy internship every year. My problem is that I don't
know any organization that could support us in placing summer
science/public policy interns. Do you have some good advice. A preproposal
is due in about 4 days, and therefore it would be helpful to receive
feedback or suggestions. Feel free to call or email me.
with best wishes,
Julian I. Schroeder
Professor and Novartis Chair in Plant Sciences
University of California, San Diego
Division of Biological Sciences
Cell and Developmental Biology Section and
Center for Molecular Genetics 0116
La Jolla, CA 92093-0116
(858) 534-7759 phone
(858) 534-7108 fax