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Title: grv2

Hey Jerry,

We had a report that grv2 was running an IRC server.  After looking into it I found that there were several ports open on that machine and it looked likes that machine has been compromised.  They are running SSH on port 16236 for example.   I've included, at the bottom, some of what I've found on that machine.  The short of is that I had to disable the network port for that computer.  I would like to come over tomorrow and take a look at it and see what we find.  How critical is that machine?  How long can you have that machine down?  Most likely you all will have to reinstall the OS.  I would also like to bring over a new person, Sasko Stefanovski, with me.  He is the new IS person who was hired to help faculty/staff with some of the burden of administrating their servers. 



Network address:

Ethernet address: 080020aafd7c

Network location: SCI2A-3.15

Interesting ports on grv2.richmond.edu (

(The 65523 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)

Port       State       Service

22/tcp     open        ssh                    

23/tcp     open        telnet                 

111/tcp    open        sunrpc                 

1726/tcp   open        unknown                

4546/tcp   open        unknown                

6000/tcp   open        X11                    

16236/tcp  open        unknown                

23485/tcp  open        unknown                

32772/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc7         

32773/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc9         

32774/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc11        

32776/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc15      



Connected to

Escape character is '^]'.

SunOS 5.7

ssh -p 4546

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

RSA1 key fingerprint is dc:cd:da:72:fe:6e:db:70:ff:11:e5:cc:b4:27:80:80.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? no