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FW: Award Id: 0116349, PI: Vineyard

Finally! We have received the award letter (below) for the NSF-MRI award in
Congratulations to Mike and Jerry and the Physics Department.

-----Original Message-----
From: Langguth, Carol A. [mailto:clanggut@nsf.gov]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 4:11 PM
To: 'dvincell@richmond.edu'
Cc: Grzechowiak, John K.; Weatherly, Barbara; Brown, Lawrence S.
Subject: Award Id: 0116349, PI: Vineyard

Award Date:   September 13, 2001

Award No.      PHY-0116349

Proposal No.  PHY-0116349


Dr. William E. Cooper


University of Richmond

Richmond, VA  23173


Dear Dr. Cooper:


The National Science Foundation hereby awards a grant of $151,758 to
University of Richmond for support of the project described in the proposal
referenced above as modified by revised budget dated July 25, 2001.


This project, under the direction of  Michael F. Vineyard, Gerard P.
Gilfoyle, is entitled:                                  

"MRI/RUI: Development of a Computing Cluster to Support the University of
Richmond Nuclear Physics Research Program at Jefferson Lab."


This award is effective August 15, 2001 and expires July 31, 2002.


This grant is awarded pursuant to the authority of the National Science
Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1861 et seq.) and is subject to Grant
General Conditions (GC-1) dated 04/01 and the following terms and

The provisions of NSF 01-07, "Major Research Instrumentation Program:
Instrument Development and Acquisition" are applicable to this award.  As a
condition of this award, the Grantee agrees to provide $22,182 cost sharing
as specified in the referenced proposal, as shown on Line M of the approved
attached budget.  Institutional cost sharing must be from non-Federal

NSF makes this award with the understanding that the grantee assumes full
responsibility for the completion of this project as outlined in the
proposal and/or any signed revision thereto, including commitment of grantee
funds and other forms of grantee support.                                  

The attached budget indicates the amounts, by categories, on which NSF has
based its support.                                  

The cognizant NSF program official for this grant is Lawrence S. Brown (703)
292-7381. The cognizant NSF grants official contact is Mavis J. Sinkular
(703) 292-8213.                                  




Carol A. Langguth

Grants Officer


CFDA No. 47.049








Person MOS                                                     granted

                                              cal   acad  sumr By NSF

A. (0.00) Total Senior personnel              0.00  0.00  0.00 $0


B. Other Personnel

  1. (0.00) Post Doctoral associates          0.00  0.00  0.00 $0

  2. (0.00) Other professionals               0.00  0.00  0.00 $0

  3. (0.00) Graduate students                                  $0

  4. (0.00) Secretarial-clerical                               $0

  5. (0.00) Undergraduate students                             $0

  6. (0.00) Other                                              $0

Total salaries and wages (A+B)                                 $0


C. Fringe benefits (if charged as direct cost)                 $0

Total salaries wages and fringes (A+B+C)                       $0


D. Total permanent equipment                                   $151,758

E. Travel

  1. Domestic                                                  $0

  2. Foreign                                                   $0

F. Total participant support costs                             $0

G. Other direct costs

  1. Materials and supplies                                    $0

  2. Publication costs/page charges                            $0

  3. Consultant services                                       $0

  4. Computer (ADPE) services                                  $0

  5. Subcontracts                                              $0

  6. Other                                                     $0

Total other direct costs                                       $0

H. Total direct costs (A through G)                            $151,758

I. Total indirect costs                                        $0

J. Total direct and indirect costs (H+I)                       $151,758

K. Residual funds / Small business fee

  1. Residual funds (if for further support of

         current projects GPM 252 and 253)                     $0

  2. Small business fee                                        $0

L. Amount of this request  (J) or (J-K1+K2)                    $151,758

M. Cost sharing                                                $22,182