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Subject: Re: Subject: Re: Subject: Re: CCPR 6772 UPDATE ( bbftp problems)

The following is a reply to CCPR report from ggilfoyl@richmond.edu

    we just got more information on the problem with file transfers to
 richmond via bbftp. i do not think the problem relates to bbftp because
 when logged in via ssh to jlabs1.jlab.org.  when running a traceroute
 and ping continuously i found that after 30 seconds or so the session
 just got cut off for 15-20 seconds and then it came back up again (that
 is why the bbftp and ssh sessions were not working).  
 traceroute was able to reach  [] 
 but was unable to reach	      []
 these are es.net servers and appear to intermittenly fail between these
 two points.
 if the file is small enough then it can squeeze through the time window
 when the connection is alive.
 thanks-in-advance for your help,
 jerry gilfoyle
 ccpr_reply@jlab.org wrote:
 > The following is a reply to CCPR report from ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
 >  hi ccpr_reply,
 >     we have some security measures in place, but they should not
 >  prevent the transfers. besides, i can transfer small files with
 >  not trouble; it's large files ONLY that fail.
 >  jerry gilfoyle
 >  ccpr_reply@jlab.org wrote:
 >  >
 >  > The following is a reply to CCPR report from kowalski@jlab.org
 >  >
 >  >  The logs for our bbftp server show your connection, but it gets timeouts trying to
 >  >  open the connection to send the data.
 >  >
 >  >  Like ftp, bbftp makes a call back to the client on a separate port to send the data.
 >  >  Does your site have a firewall setup that prevents outside machines from opening
 >  >  connections to your host (psc1.richmond.edu)?
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >
 >  --
 >  Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
 >  Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
 >  University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
 >  USA                               fax:    804-289-8482
 Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
 Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
 University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
 USA                               fax:    804-289-8482