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Re: [sales] desired system
Hi Jerry,
My apologies that I didn't get the cluster quote out to you yesterday.
I'm waiting for a reply from our cluster group about integrating your
existing equipment with our equipment. I should have some pricing for
you by the end of today.
Linux Work Account wrote:
> SendTo: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> >From ggilfoyl@richmond.edu Sun Jan 21 21:47:28 2001
> Received: from blount.mail.mindspring.net ([])
> by mail.valinux.com with esmtp (Exim 3.16 #1 (Debian))
> id 14KZp9-0007KA-00
> for <sales@valinux.com>; Sun, 21 Jan 2001 21:47:27 -0800
> Received: from richmond.edu (user-2ivemsc.dsl.mindspring.com [])
> by blount.mail.mindspring.net (8.9.3/8.8.5) with ESMTP id AAA12049;
> Mon, 22 Jan 2001 00:47:25 -0500 (EST)
> Sender: gilfoyle@mindspring.com
> Message-ID: <3A6BF28D.47AD1A29@richmond.edu>
> Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 00:42:53 -0800
> From: gilfoyle <ggilfoyl@richmond.edu>
> Reply-To: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> Organization: University of Richmond Physics Department
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.6 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12 i686)
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> To: sales@valinux.com
> Subject: desired system
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Dear VA Linux Systems Representative:
> I am a physicist at the University of Richmond and we are in
> the process of developing a 'supercomputing' cluster to support
> our research in nuclear and particle physics. I was wondering
> if you could provide us with a quote for such a system and
> answer a few questions about creating such a computer cluster.
> The system we envision would consist of the following items.
> 1. 20, dual-Pentium, rack-mountable, linux workstations. Your
> model 1220 seems like an appropriate choice. We would require
> 512 MByte of RAM in each machine plus about 36 GByte of disk
> space.
> 2. 2-3 TByte of disk space. Your model 4450 database server
> looks like the type of device we want. We want it to also be
> rack-mountable.
> 3. 24-port router. We already have a smaller, 12-node cluster
> with a 24-port router, but would presumably require a second
> one. We would like to put all the machines (old and new) on
> the same subnet for security reasons. Is it possible to
> daisy-chain routers together or do we need to get a new,
> larger one to handle all 32 nodes?
> 4. Two 21-inch monitors and a switch so that we can quickly
> and easily view the output from any single node.
> 5. Backup power supplies.
> 6. Racks to hold it all.
> Any help you can provide us would be greatly appreciated. My
> contact information is below.
> Thanks-in-advance,
> Jerry Gilfoyle
> --
> Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
> Physics Department e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> University of Richmond, VA 23173 phone: 804-289-8255
> USA fax: 804-289-8482
Judd Stohl PH: 1-888-546-8948 x76909
Account Executive Direct PH: 910-794-3327
Mid Atlantic Region FX: 1-910-794-3354
VA Linux Systems