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RE: ups arrived
great! The adjustments were made through your purchasing dept. The
actual checks showed everything minus the over ordered parts. If your
accounts payable has any questions they can contact Jean Lee at (888)
809-1588 x 112 or jean.lee@ponycomputer.com. So yes, they do need to
actually pay this invoice. There was no credit b/c the actual payment
for the items was exactly what it should have been once the parts (which
we did receive) were received.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gilfoyle [SMTP:ggilfoyl@richmond.edu]
> Sent: Friday, July 30, 1999 10:21 AM
> To: Joey.Sims@PonyComputer.com
> Subject: ups arrived
> hi joey,
> the ups we ordered arrived this and things now work fine.
> we are (even as i write) running 22 out of the 24 cpus full
> out doing a simulation of a nuclear reaction:)
> on a more practical level, should we actually pay for this?
> you mentioned at one point we had a credit because we double
> ordered some stuff in the initial order for the computers. how
> much is hte credit (we have our own guess) and how should we
> deal with this?
> jerry
> --
> Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
> Physics Department e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> University of Richmond, VA 23173 phone: 804-289-8255
> USA fax: 804-289-8482