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RE: the order

no problem, let me discuss with branch manager.  So, you have an
abundance of network cards and memory?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	gilfoyle [SMTP:ggilfoyl@richmond.edu]
> Sent:	Wednesday, June 02, 1999 11:26 AM
> To:	Joey.Sims@PonyComputer.com
> Subject:	the order
> hi joey,
>    the machines arrived last week and we have been happily
> taking things out of boxes and setting them up. nevertheless,
> it appears we made a mistake on the purchase order. we sent
> two actual purchase orders out; one for the cpus and one
> for the remaining equipment. the second purchase order mistakenly
> included two items that were on the first one. in particular, we
> received a box with thirteen ethernet cards even though the
> cpus came with their own (13) ethernet cards installed. we also
> wanted to add memory to each machine (which you installed in each
> machine), but we also received a package with 10 additional 
> memory cards. this leads to two questions. it appears that we
> have paid for extra ethernet cards and memory boards that we
> don't need. what is the best way to deal we this? should we
> send the extra equipment back and revise our second purchase
> order? i have sent the first purchase order (with just the 
> cpus on it) to our accounting department so you will be paid
> for that part of the order. let me know what you think?
> cheers,
> jerry
> -- 
> Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
> Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
> USA                               fax:    804-289-8482