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                        Requested Quotation

  Quote#                       1143                Quote Date             4/20/99

  Customer#                                        Contact          DR. GERALD GILFOYL

  Customer Name       UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND

  Phone#                                            Ext                    Fax#

     Qty       Item#                         Description                        Unit Price         Sub Total

     2         AC1003        BELKIM 4 PORT OMNICUBE,4 PC TO                           $107                214
     2         AC1004        BELKIM CABLING KIT FOR AC1003                              $8                 16

     3         MR8005        MAG DJ920 21" .28 DIGI CTRL                              $794              2,382

     1         NW0629        KINGSTON KNS216/R MULTI-PORT                             $840                840
    11         NW0951        INTEL PILA8465B,ETHEREXPRESS                              $47                517

    10         RM0543        128MB PC-100MHZ 168PIN SDRAM                             $152              1,520

     2         TP0994        SEAGATE SCORPION 4MM DAT 24GB                          $1,315              2,630
     2         UP0233        APC BP1000 BACK-UPS PRO 1000VA                           $359                718

                                                                                     Total               $8,837


        Comments      HIPPING INCLUDED.

  Printed Date/Time:   4/20/99 5:01:29 PM