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Re: some news and a question
The model I'm working on is that some person is the 'run manager' for
each farm, and launches all the runs and keeps track of them. At UVA
it's Cole, at MIT it's David Rowntree, at UVA it's either Junho Yun or
an undergraduate, at JLAB it's me so far. The manager doesn't have to
be local to the farm but it obviously helps. This could also be cast as
a service work project. We're not asking people to relinquish control
of their farms in any way (unless that's the way they want to use it).
Let me know if there are more specifics you want.
- Will
gilfoyle wrote:
> hi will,
> we're in the midst of preparing our doe grant renewal
> and we're asking for money to develop a cluster analogous
> to the ones at uva, odu, etc. i wanted to let you know
> that if we get the cluster, it will be available to the
> gsim focus group for simulation. we haven't worked out in
> detail the way the gsim group will use the cluster and i
> was wondering if you have any advise for us?
> jerry
> --
> Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
> Physics Department e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> University of Richmond, VA 23173 phone: 804-289-8255
> USA fax: 804-289-8482