($Rev: 135 $) using OpenMP (TM) compiled with gcc 4.4.7 < Millepede II-P starting ... Sun May 15 17:50:03 2016 ifarm1102 initC: using zlib version 1.2.3 ________________________________FILETC/X__________________________________ Command line options: --------------------- 1 mp2strSVT1.txt --------------------- Listing of steering file: mp2strSVT1.txt ------------------------- 1 * SVT steering file 2 *fortranfiles ! following bin files are fortran 3 mp2conSVT1.txt ! constraints text file 4 Cfiles ! following bin files are Cfiles 5 input2pede1.bin ! binary data file 6 *hugecut 50.0 !cut factor in iteration 0 7 *chisqcut 1.0 1.0 ! cut factor in iterations 1 and 2 8 *entries 10 ! lower limit on number of entries/parameter 9 *pairentries 10 ! lower limit on number of parameter pairs 10 ! (not yet!) 11 *printrecord 1 2 ! debug printout for records 12 *printrecord -1 -1 ! debug printout for bad data records 13 *outlierdownweighting 2 ! number of internal iterations (> 1) 14 *dwfractioncut 0.2 ! 0 < value < 0.5 15 *presigma 0.01 ! default value for presigma 16 *regularisation 1.0 ! regularisation factor 17 *regularisation 1.0 0.01 ! regularisation factor, pre-sigma 18 19 *bandwidth 0 ! width of precond. band matrix 20 method diagonalization 3 0.001 ! diagonalization 21 method fullMINRES 3 0.01 ! minimal residual 22 method sparseMINRES 3 0.01 ! minimal residual 23 *mrestol 1.0D-8 ! epsilon for MINRES 24 method inversion 3 0.001 ! Gauss matrix inversion 25 * last method is applied 26 *matiter 3 ! recalculate matrix in iterations 27 28 end ! optional for end-of-data end-statement after 28 text lines ------------------------- Opening C file 1 : input2pede1.bin 1 binary files opened Processing text files ... File mp2strSVT1.txt end-statement after 28 text lines File mp2conSVT1.txt end-of-file after 5 text lines ... end of text file processing. Solution method and matrix-storage mode: METSOL = 1: matrix inversion with 3 iterations MATSTO = 1: symmetric matrix, (n*n+n)/2 elements Iterations (solutions) with line search: All ______________________________FILETC/X-end________________________________ Number of processors available: 32 Maximum number of OpenMP threads: 1 Number of threads for processing: 1 Number of threads for reading: 1 _________________________________LOOP1____________________________________ Read all binary data files: Record 1 Record 10 Record 100 Record 1000 Record 10000 Record 100000 Record 200000 Record 300000 Record 400000 PEREAD: file 1 read the first time, found 460396 records PEREAD: file 1 with max record size 226 Read cache usage (#blocks, #records, min,max records/block 7 460396 39542 70143 SORT2K (quicksort): maxlevel used/available = 6 /64 LOOP1: 0 is number of pre-sigmas Warning: no pre-sigmas defined Default pre-sigma = 0.00E+00 (if no individual pre-sigma defined) Pre-sigma factor is 1.00000000 No regularization will be done NTGB = 16 = total number of parameters NVGB = 16 = number of variable parameters NREC = 460396 = number of records MREQENF = 25 = required number of entries (from binary files) MREQENA = 10 = required number of entries (from accepted fits) NTGB = 16 = total number of parameters NVGB = 16 = number of variable parameters _______________________________LOOP1-end__________________________________ 0 h 0 min 1.9 sec total elapsed 0 h 0 min 1.9 sec _________________________________LOOP2____________________________________ LOOP2: 2 constraints Record 1 Record 10 Record 100 Record 1000 Record 10000 Record 100000 Record 200000 Record 300000 Record 400000 Read cache usage (#blocks, #records, min,max records/block 7 460396 39542 70143 NTGB = 16 = total number of parameters (all parameters, appearing in binary files) NVGB = 16 = number of variable parameters (appearing in fit matrix/vectors) NAGB = 18 = number of fit parameters (including Lagrange multiplier or reduced) MBANDW = 0 = band width of band matrix (if =0, no band matrix) NOFF = 153 = max number of off-diagonal elements NCGB = 2 = number of constraints NAGBN = 16 = max number of global parameters in an event NALCN = 4 = max number of local parameters in an event NAEQN = 16 = max number of equations in an event NCACHE = 25000000 = number of words for caching cache splitting 38.8 % 3.8 % 57.4 % Solution method and matrix-storage mode: METSOL = 1: matrix inversion with 3 iterations MATSTO = 1: symmetric matrix, (n*n+n)/2 elements Convergence assumed, if expected dF < 0.1000E-02 Rank of product matrix of constraints is 2 for 2 constraint equations Size of global matrix: < 1 MB _______________________________LOOP2-end__________________________________ 0 h 0 min 4.3 sec total elapsed 0 h 0 min 2.4 sec _______________________________Iteration__________________________________ Solution algorithm: ======================================== solution method: matrix inversion convergence limit at Delta F= 0.10E-02 maximum number of iterations= 3 using pre-sigmas: no regularization: no Checking feasibility of parameters: parameters are feasible (i.e. satisfy constraints) Reading files and accumulating vectors/matrices ... Record 100000 ... still reading Record 200000 ... still reading Record 300000 ... still reading Record 400000 ... still reading Read cache usage (#blocks, #records, min,max records/block 17 460396 24799 27226 Write cache usage (#flush,#overrun,,peak(levels)) 17 0, 51.3% 51.3% 51.6% 51.6% Data rejected in initial loop: 0 (rank deficit/NaN) 0 (Ndf=0) 506 (huge) 0 (large) Warning: the rank defect of the symmetric 18 -by- 18 matrix is 4 (should be zero). --> enforcing SUBITO mode Subito! Exit after first step. it fc fcn_value dfcn_exp slpr costh iit st ls step cutf rejects hmmsec FMS -- -- ----------- -------- ---- ----- --- -- -- ----- ---- ------- ------ --- 0 1 0.54586E+07 0.0 506 0 0 13 FMS Data rejected in last loop: 0 (rank deficit/NaN) 0 (Ndf=0) 506 (huge) 0 (large) Sum(Chi^2)/Sum(Ndf) = 5458633.8762020404 / ( 5524752 - 18 ) = 0.98803560066458229 WarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWar arningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarn rningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarni ningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarnin ingWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarning ngWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningW gWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWa Rank defect = 4 for global matrix, should be 0 => please provide correct mille data WarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWar arningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarn rningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarni ningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarnin ingWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarning ngWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningW gWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWarningWa _____________________________Iteration-end________________________________ 0 h 0 min 17.2 sec total elapsed 0 h 0 min 13.0 sec Result of fit for global parameters =================================== label parameter presigma differ error ----------- ---------------------------------------------------- 101 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 106 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 201 0.33478E-03 0.0000 0.33478E-03 0.26310E-04 206 0.21990E-03 0.0000 0.21990E-03 0.26322E-04 301 0.73827E-04 0.0000 0.73827E-04 0.40739E-05 308 0.33911E-05 0.0000 0.33911E-05 0.40667E-05 401 0.33659E-03 0.0000 0.33659E-03 0.23022E-04 408 0.15076E-03 0.0000 0.15076E-03 0.23027E-04 501 0.12678E-03 0.0000 0.12678E-03 0.58056E-05 510 -0.92850E-05 0.0000 -0.92850E-05 0.57932E-05 ... (further printout suppressed, but see log file) < Millepede II-P ending ... Sun May 15 17:50:20 2016 Peak dynamic memory allocation: 0.100167 GB