RECSIS Usage and Purpose Documentation

RECSIS is the software package used for analysis of the data generated by CELEG and GSIM (in this case.) RECSIS is an acronym formed by the CLAS (C_EBAF L_arge A_cceptance S_pectrometer) REC_onstruction and Analy_SIS package. This program was used, and additionally modified, during my research this summer. RECSIS was used to produce histograms for analysis of such data as Q^2 and W for events. (Although, being noteworthy, I used RECON, and online version of RECSIS.) Similarly to CELEG and GSIM, RECSIS (RECON) has a specific input file that can be modified, depending on the specific experimental requirements. This link contains an example of the input file for RECON, being lambda.tcl.

RECON, once built, can be run from the main (RECON) directory using the following command:

../bin/SunOS/recon -t lambda.tcl

(or whatever particular .tcl file is being used.)

Once in RECON, to analyze all the GSIM events, type:


or, to analyze X events, type:

go X

One can check the progress of RECON while in the program, at any time, by typing the command "status." Once finished, a simple "exit" command can be used to quit the program. Again, as with the other software packages, the initiation of a run is fairly simple. However, the input files tend to contain some confusing variables that must be understood in order to have a complete and successful run. Once completed, the RECON output file (a numbered .rzn file) can be analyzed with PAW, which allows for the viewing of the histogram data generated by RECON.

Appropriate References:

Getting strated with RECSIS

The second coming of RECSIS (don't ask, I don't know)

List of RECSIS .tcl variables

More RECSIS stuff

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