CELEG Usage and Purpose Documentation

CELEG is the CE_BAF L_arge acceptance spectrometer E_vent G_enerator. CELEG is a Monte-Carlo event generator that produces an output file with kinematics information for use in GSIM. An example of a CELEG input file, giving various parameters for the kinematics of the events to be studied, can be seen here.

This input file for CELEG provides information such as the type of target and the type of particle in the beam. Once run, CELEG can produce a BOS output file suitable for GSIM with the appropriate kinematics for a specific experiment simulation. The disadvantage of this input file is that the justifications easily observed above must be maintained for proper functioning of the software. All the 'words' to the left side of the file must be left justified while the numbers must all be right justified. This is important to consider when modifying the input file.

CELEG is a fairly simple program to run. Once built, and once the input file has been successfully fitted to the experiment at hand, the following commands are useful for running the software (from the CELEG run directory).


This command is sufficient for running CELEG, if the input file is valid. In the case of my software, the typical CELEG input file name is ftn15. This is the only file name I use for this purpose.

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