Physics 310

Quantum Mechanics

Class: TR 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m., D-208
Professor: G.P.Gilfoyle; Office: Gottwald Science Center, D-110, phone: 804-289-8255; email:; Office hours: MW 2:30-4:30 pm, T 9:15-10:45 am. Other times are when you catch me.
Objective: To gain an understanding of the fundamentals of quantum mechanics.
Materials: Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed. by R. Shankar; Mathematica (recommended, see below).
Prerequisites: Physics 309 or Chemistry 401 or permission of the Department.
Course Work: Each class meeting will consist of some combination of lecture, demonstration, computational laboratory work, or student presentation (see SCHEDULE).
Attendance: Attendance at all classes is expected. An excused absence is one given by the dean, a doctor, or a department. An excusable absence is one that the instructor excuses for what he deems to be sufficient reason. Only the dean can excuse an absence from a test or exam. A student is responsible for all work missed during an absence.
Grading: Grades will be computed on the following basis:

Homework 40%
Tests 30% (15% for each of 2 tests)
Final Paper 30%

  Make-up tests and laboratories will not be administered. If a test is missed because of an excused absence the next test will count more heavily to make up the loss. Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero for the missed activity.
Homework: Homework will be assigned regularly, but only a fraction of it will be collected. The exams will be based on these assignments so it is utter madness to neglect them. Late homework will be accepted, but unexcused, late, submissions will be reduced by one point if not handed in at the start of the appropriate class period. An additional point will be subtracted for each subsequent day late. Late submissions will be excused only at the discretion of the instructor.
Exams: Tests and exams will consist of short-answer questions and problems.
Final Paper: A paper on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with the instructor will be handed in at the scheduled time of the final.

In-class Talks: At each meeting allocated for student talks a short ($\approx$15 min) presentation will be required describing the progress of each student's project (see schedule). These talks will be graded as homework.

Physics 310 Schedule

Fall, 2016

Date   Topic   Date   Topic
Aug 23 Experimental Foundations   Oct 18 Zeeman Effect
  25 The Postulates     20 "
Aug 30 Radioactive decay     25 "
Sep 1 "     27 "
  6 "   Nov 1 Spin-Orbit Coupling
  8 "     3 "
  13 CO rotator     8 "
  15 "     10 "
  20 "     15 Test 2
  22 "     17 Student Talks
  27 Test 1     22 "
  29 Hydrogen Atom     24 Thanksgiving Break
Oct 4 "   Nov 29 Student Talks
  6 "   Dec 1 "
  11 Fall Break        
  13 Hydrogen Atom      

Important Deadlines:

Student Topics Due: Thursday, Oct 27
Project Outline Due: Tuesday, Nov 8
Rough Drafts Due (optional): Thursday, Dec 1
Final Papers Due: Tuesday, December 13, 7 pm

Obtaining Mathematica for your personal computer

To install Mathematica on your own personal computer go to the this address follow the directions.