Intermediate Laboratory

Course Goals and Status

The goals of this course are three-fold. (1)Experimental skills are developed. Measurement is the core of physics and students here have the chance to explore a variety of techniques including computer-based data acquisition. The students also learn how to design, set up, and debug physics apparatus. (2)Model-building and testing skills are developed. Challenging theory with data using mathematical tools is the essential step in determining the quality of those theories. An important part of this topic is understanding how to calculate uncertainties and to interpret them. (3)Students must learn to read and speak scientifically. The ability to communicate technical information is needed regardless of the career path our students take.

The course is in the beginning of a major renovation. New experimental equipment has been bought and the lab has been equipped with excess computers for data acquisition and analysis taken from other parts of the Department. New laboratories are under developement and testing.

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