The Boy, the Brother and me in the Southwest, June, 2012

During the summer of 2012, Garrett, my brother Tim, and I went cavorting and hiking in the Grand Canyon and other places in the Southwest.

Arriving at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.
Views from our first day spent hiking and driving along the North Rim.
Tatonka!!! Huuuuh!!
The North Kaibab Trail passes through every ecosystem to be found between Canada and Mexico.
Garrett keeps up with his reading in Cottonwood Campground.
The next day we hike down to Ribbon Falls and spend the day avoiding the 110o heat.

Ribbon Falls starts at a notch in the Canyon wall about eighty feet above the
valley floor. The falls lands on the top of a fifty-foot high rock and has carved a
pool in the top of the rock. You can see the water falling into the pool in the
picture above. The water overflows the pool and runs down the side of the rock
which is now covered by moss. Tim and Garrett are standing at the bottom of this
rock in the pictures below.
The water was nice and cool. Where the Sun is shining was over 100o.
We start hiking the next day at 4:30 in the morning. The oatmeal with dinosaur eggs wasn't a good idea. Garrett puked 15 minutes after this picture was taken.
We still made the seven mile hike back up to the North Rim. View back down the trail. That's Redwall Bridge.
After Tim catches his plane back to Chicago Garrett and I head for Vermillion Cliffs National Monument.

                                          By the Colorado River at Lee's Ferry.
Bridge over the Colorado. This is where I saw a Condor.
On the banks of the Colorado. Getting some shade.
Start of the White House Trail in Vermillion Cliffs National Monument. Garrett 'rock-climbing' in a slot canyon.

                                          On top of the rock!
Slot canyon exit.
Wandering the slot canyons in Vermillion Cliffs.
On the road to Capitol Reef National Park in Utah.

                         \                  Head in the Hole Garrett.
High cliffs of Capitol Reef.

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