The Girl and me in the Southwest, Nov, 2022

During the fall of 2022, Catherine and I went hiking and eating and drinking across northern Arizona and southern Utah (and played with some birds).

View from Bright Angel Point on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.Starting out at the North Kaibab trailhead
Down into Roaring Spring Canyon. Rock varnish running down the mesa walls.

A Century plant?
Playing with the Steller's Jay.

Heading to Cape Royal and Angels Window.

Walking with the Crow.

Sunset over Cape Royal.


Catherine at Muley Point above Gooseneck State Park.

Monument Valley is in the distance

Hiking along Muley Point.

Back down the Moki Dugway.

Hiking the Whitehouse trail in Vermillion Cliffs.


Paria River carves out rock `apartments'.

From the campground.

And it snowed the next day.

Driving through Zion National Park.

Catherine finds the 'secret' petroglyphs.


Exploring Zion.



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