The Family Goes To The Pacific Northwest

During the summer of 2017 we all went traveling and camping in the Pacific Northwest. We visted Portland, Olympic National Park, and Mt. St. Helens.

Catherine and I went on an overnight hike in the backcountry. View of Mt. St. Helens near
the trailhead.
Taking a break. You can clearly see the crater from the 1980 eruption of the still-active volcano.

View north from the trail with Mt. Ranier in the distance.
Remnant of a tree hit by pyroclastic flows from the eruption.
Logs destroyed by the eruption still float in the lakes in the Park. Hiking along the trail with Ranier in the distance.

View north from our campsite with Ranier in the distance.Snow!
View north in the evening from our campsite.
Resting with Mt. Adams in the background. Mt. Adams.
Walking in wildflowers.The return trail with Mt. Ranier in the background.
Mt. St. Helens makes its own clouds. Down to the Pacific coast.

Caught a bird flying by.


My idea of a beach vacation.
 The Pacific Nortwest rain forest.

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