Physics 305 Test 1

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Multiple-Choice Questions (5 pts. apiece) Clearly circle the best answer among the different choices.

  1. What defines a conservative force?

    A. $\oint \vec F\cdot\vec a =0$ or $\nabla\cdot\vec F = 0$. D. The force must be electromagnetic.
    B. The force must be frictional. E. $\oint \vec F\cdot \vec r =0$ or $\nabla \times \vec F=0$
    C. The force must be nuclear.    

  2. Two infinite nonconducting sheets of charge are parallel to each other as shown in the figure. Each sheet has a positive, uniform charge density $\sigma$. Calculate the value of the electric field to the right of the two sheets.

    A. $0$ D. $-\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon_0} \hat x$
    B. $\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0} \hat x$ E. $\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon_0} \hat x$
    C. $-\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0} \hat x$    


  3. A thin rod stretches along the $z$ axis from $z=-d$ to $z=d$ as shown. Let $\lambda$ be the linear charge density or charge per unit length on the rod and the points $P_1 = (0,0,2d)$ and $P_2 = (x,0,0)$. Find the coordinate $x$ such that the potential at $P_1$ is equal to that at $P_2$.

    A. $0$ D. $\sqrt{2} d$
    B. $d$ E. $2d$
    C. $\sqrt{3} d$    


Problems. Clearly show all reasoning for full credit. Use a separate sheet to show your work.

1. 10 pts. Find the electric field (magnitude and direction) a distance $z$ above the midpoint between two equal charges, $q$, a distance $d$ apart (see figure). Start from the field for a point charge.


2. 10 pts. A charge $q$ sits at the back corner of a cube of side $a$ as shown in the figure. What is the flux of $\vec E$ through the shaded side? In this problem get your solution to the point where you have a well-defined integral to perform and STOP! Leave your answer in the form of this well-defined integral in Cartesian coordinates.


3. 15 pts. A hollow, spherical shell carries charge density

\rho = \frac{k}{r^2}

in the region $a \le r \le b$ (see figure). The electric field in the three regions is

\vec E & = & \frac{k}{\epsilon_0} \frac{...
...right ) \hat r & a \le r \le b \\
& = & 0 & r < a

where $k$ is some constant and $\epsilon_0$ is the permittivity of free space. Find the electric potential at the center of the shell using $r$ at infinity as your reference point and starting from the definition of the electric potential in terms of the electric field.


Various and Sundry Equations and Constants

\int \frac{1}{x}dx = \log x \quad
\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{a^2 + ...
... ) \quad
\int \frac{x}{\sqrt{a^2 + x^2}} dx = \sqrt{a^2 + x^2}

\int \frac{1}{\left ( a^2 + x^2 \right )^{3/2}} dx = \frac{x...
...a^2 + x^2 \right )^{3/2}} dx = -\frac{1}{\sqrt{a^2+x^2}} \quad

Speed of Light ($c$) $2.9979\times 10^8~m/s$ proton/neutron mass $1.67\times 10^{-27}~kg$
$R$ $8.31J/K-mole$ $g$ $9.8~m/s^2$
Gravitation constant $6.67 \times 10^{-11}~N-m^2/kg^2$ Earth's radius $6.37\times 10^6~m$
Earth-Moon distance $3.84\times 10^8~m$ Electron mass $9.11\times 10^{-31}~kg$