University of Richmond
                        Tenure-Track Positions

The Department of Physics at this highly selective, private, primarily
undergraduate university invites applications for two tenure-track
positions in experimental physics.  At least one position is at open
rank, and depending on qualifications the appointment may be made as
the Loving Chair in Physics. Successful candidates will be
experimental physicists with on-site research labs, and in one
position, preference is for expertise in biophysics.  Teaching
excellence and a strong program of scholarship that actively engages
undergraduates are required.   Applicants should submit a curriculum
vitae, up to three recent publications, separate statements of (1)
teaching philosophy and experience and (2) research interests and
plans, and should have three letters of reference sent to: Dr. Gerard
P. Gilfoyle, Chair, Department of Physics, University of Richmond, VA
23173. Applications will be reviewed beginning December 1, and will
be accepted until the position is filled.  Ph.D. must be complete by
August 2004 start date.  The University of Richmond is committed to
increasing the diversity of our faculty and strongly encourages
applications from women and minorities.  For more information on the
department, resources, and teaching assignment, see