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'); scrollControls = $('#scrollControls .controlsWrap'); scroller.find('.scrollWrap').each(function(){ if($(this).index() != 0){ //Hides all but the first slide on initialization. First slide provides the initial pressure to #heroScroller $(this).hide(); resizeImg($(this).find('.responsiveImg')); } else { $(this).css({ 'z-index' : zIndex }); } var title = $(this).find('.content h2').text(); var printableIndex = $(this).index() + 1; var isOn = ''; if(title == '' || title == 'undefined'){ title = 'Panel ' + printableIndex; } if($(this).index() == 0){ isOn = ' on'; } scrollControls.append('
'); }); $(document).on('click', '#scrollControls .controlElement', function(){ if(panelSwapping == false) { activeIndex = $(this).index(); alpha = 0; //resets the pie chart timer if( (typeof(isMobile) != 'undefined') && (isMobile == true) ){ pauseScroller = true; } scrollControls.find('.loader').attr('d', 'M 0 0 v -125 A 125 125 1 0 1 0 -125 z'); fadeIn(activeIndex); } }); //if(!isMobile == true){ if( (typeof(isMobile) != 'undefined') && (isMobile == false) ){ $("#heroWrap .content, #scrollControls .controlsWrap").hover( function() { pauseScroller = true; }, function() { pauseScroller = false; draw(); } ); } loader = scrollControls.find('.loader'); //start = new Date().getTime(); draw(); } function heroSlider() { var slider = $('#heroSlider'); var numChildren = slider.children().length; slider.children().hide(); slider.width(99999); slider.children().each(function(){ $(this).width($(window).width()); $(this).show(); }); if(numChildren > 1){ slider.find('.parallaxWrap:first-child').addClass('on'); slider.parent().prepend(''); } $('#hero-next').click(function(){ var hero = slider.find('.on'); if(hero.index() + 1 == numChildren - 1){ $('#hero-next').hide(); } if(!$('#hero-prev').is(":visible")){ $('#hero-prev').show(); }'on'); hero.removeClass('on'); var offset = (hero.index()+1) * 100 * -1; slider.css({ marginLeft: offset+'%' }); }); $('#hero-prev').click(function(){ var hero = slider.find('.on'); if(hero.index() == 1){ $('#hero-prev').hide(); } if(!$('#hero-next').is(":visible")){ $('#hero-next').show(); } hero.prev().addClass('on'); hero.removeClass('on'); var offset = (hero.index()-1) * 100 * -1; slider.css({ marginLeft: offset+'%' }); }); } function heroParallax(img){ var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var responsiveImg = img.closest('.responsiveImg'); var parallaxWrap = responsiveImg.parent(); parallaxWrap.width(windowWidth); var wrapHeight = Math.floor((windowWidth/2)*.7); //Always uses 2:1 images, so half the windowWidth should equal height if(wrapHeight > 500){ wrapHeight = 500; //This is set in the css too as an initial value for parallaxWrap } parallaxWrap.height(wrapHeight); var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if(scrollTop < 0){ scrollTop = 0; } var elementOffset = parallaxWrap.offset().top; var distance = elementOffset + parallaxWrap.height(); var offset = ((windowWidth/2) - parallaxWrap.height()) * -1; /* if (scrollTop >= 0 && scrollTop <= distance) { //Top of image to bottom var percentageDown = scrollTop/distance; var newTop = offset * percentageDown; responsiveImg.css('margin-top',newTop+'px'); } */ if (scrollTop >= 0 && scrollTop <= distance) { //Center of image to bottom var percentageDown = scrollTop/distance; var newTop = (offset/2) - (percentageDown * (offset/2)); responsiveImg.css('margin-top',newTop+'px'); } else { responsiveImg.css('margin-top','0px'); } } function spotlightAutoScroller(){ var scroller = $('#spotlightScroller'); var padder = $('#spotlightScroller #spotlightPadder'); var scrollControls = $('#spotlights #scrollControls'); var activeIndex = 0; var pauseScroller = false; //Pie chart timer variables var loader; var alpha = 0; var pi = Math.PI; var time = 30; //Time in milliseconds before draw is called again. 30*360 = 10800, or 10.8 seconds function advanceIndex(advanceBy){ padder.find('.scrollWrap').each(function(){ var newIndex; newIndex = parseInt($(this).attr('data-index')) - advanceBy; // On an sample length of -3 if(newIndex <= (padder.find('.scrollWrap').length -1) * -1){ // Less than newIndex = newIndex + padder.find('.scrollWrap').length; // 1 = -3 + 4 } // On an sample length of 3 if(newIndex >= padder.find('.scrollWrap').length -1){ // Greater than newIndex = newIndex - padder.find('.scrollWrap').length; // -1 = 3 - 4; } if(newIndex == 0){ $(this).addClass('active'); } else { $(this).removeClass('active'); } $(this).attr('data-index',newIndex); }); // Keep scroll controls locked in step with active element in the scroller if(typeof scrollControls != 'undefined') { if(padder.find('.active').index() != scrollControls.find('.on').index()) { scrollControls.find('.on').removeClass('on'); scrollControls.find('.controlElement:eq(' + padder.find('.active').index() + ')').addClass('on'); } } if(advanceBy > 0) { padder.addClass('slideLeft' + Math.abs(advanceBy)); setTimeout(function () { padder.removeClass('slideLeft' + Math.abs(advanceBy)); if(modalInit == true){ modalInit = false; } }, 400); } if(advanceBy < 0) { padder.addClass('slideRight' + Math.abs(advanceBy)); setTimeout(function () { padder.removeClass('slideRight' + Math.abs(advanceBy)); if(modalInit == true){ modalInit = false; } }, 400); } } function draw(){ if(pauseScroller == false) { alpha++; alpha %= 360; var r = ( alpha * pi / 180 ) , x = Math.sin(r) * 125 , y = Math.cos(r) * -125 , mid = ( alpha > 180 ) ? 1 : 0 , anim = 'M 0 0 v -125 A 125 125 1 ' + mid + ' 1 ' + x + ' ' + y + ' z'; loader.attr('d', anim); if (alpha == 0) { advanceIndex(1); } setTimeout(draw, time); // Redraw } } function resetTimer(){ alpha = 0; //resets the pie chart timer if( (typeof(isMobile) != 'undefined') && (isMobile == true) ){ pauseScroller = true; } scrollControls.find('.loader').attr('d', 'M 0 0 v -125 A 125 125 1 0 1 0 -125 z'); } $(document).on('click', '#spotlights #scrollControls .controlElement', function(){ activeIndex = $(this).index(); resetTimer(); if($(this).index() != padder.find('.active').index()){ var virtualIndex = parseInt(padder.find('.scrollWrap:eq(' + $(this).index() + ')').attr('data-index')); advanceIndex(virtualIndex); } }); if(jQuery().hammer){ // if hammer.js is loaded $('#spotlightScroller .scrollWrap a').on('click',function(event){ event.preventDefault(); // Prevents default anchor functionality }); $('#spotlightScroller .scrollWrap').hammer().on('swiperight',function(event){ modalInit = true; // prevents modal events from firing on swipes event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); resetTimer(); advanceIndex(-1); }).on('swipeleft',function(event){ modalInit = true; // prevents modal events from firing on swipes event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); resetTimer(); advanceIndex(1); }).on('tap',function(event){ if($(this).find('a').length > 0) { window.location.href = $(this).find('a').attr('href'); } }); } else { console.log('Hammer.js not loaded.'); } if( (typeof(isMobile) != 'undefined') && (isMobile == false) ){ scroller.parent().hover( function() { pauseScroller = true; }, function() { pauseScroller = false; draw(); } ); } loader = scrollControls.find('.loader'); draw(); } function fullscreenSlideshow(){ var slideSwapping = false; $('.fullscreenSlideshow').each(function(){ loadImg(1, $(this)); if($(this).find('.slider > div').length > 1){ bindSlideshowEvents($(this)); $(this).find('.next').show(); } }); function loadImg(i, parent){ var imageSrc = parent.find('.linkset a:eq('+i+')').attr('href'); parent.find('.slider').append('
'); parent.find('.slider div:last-child img').load(function(){ if(i < parent.find('.linkset a').length - 1){ loadImg(i + 1, parent); } }); } function fadeIn(parent, activeIndex){ slideSwapping = true; var activePanel = parent.find('.slider > div:eq(' + activeIndex + ')'); var zIndex = 1; parent.height(activePanel.height()); //Allows smooth animation between photos of different height if (activeIndex == parent.find('.slider > div').length - 1) { parent.find('.controls .next').hide(); } else { parent.find('.controls .next').show(); } if (activeIndex == 0) { parent.find('.controls .previous').hide(); } else { parent.find('.controls .previous').show(); } activePanel.css({ 'z-index' : zIndex + 1, 'opacity' : 0 });{ 'z-index' : zIndex, 'opacity' : 1 }, 400, function(){ parent.find('.slider > div:not(:eq(' + activeIndex + '))').hide().css({ 'z-index' : 'auto', position: 'absolute', 'opacity' : 0 }).addClass('off').removeClass('on'); activePanel.css('position','relative').addClass('on').removeClass('off'); slideSwapping = false; }); } function bindSlideshowEvents(parent){ parent.find('.next').on('click', function(){ if(slideSwapping == false) { var activeIndex = parent.find('.slider .on').next().index(); fadeIn(parent, activeIndex); } }); parent.find('.previous').on('click', function(){ if(slideSwapping == false) { var activeIndex = parent.find('.slider .on').prev().index(); fadeIn(parent, activeIndex); } }); $(window).on('resize', parent, function(){ if(slideSwapping == false){ parent.height('auto'); //Allows parent to resize on with window } }); } } function calculateDimensions(element){ var elementWidth; var elementHeight; var availableWidth = $(window).width() * .65; //Controls take up 20% of width, additional 15% for padding var availableHeight = $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .player').height(); if(element.find('img').length > 0){ element = element.find('img').first(); } if(element[0].nodeName == 'IMG'){ var wait = setInterval(function () { if (element[0].naturalWidth === undefined) { var i = new Image(); i.src = element[0].src; elementWidth = i.width; elementHeight = i.height; } else { elementWidth = element[0].naturalWidth; elementHeight = element[0].naturalHeight; } if (elementWidth && elementHeight) { clearInterval(wait); resizeThisImage(); } }, 30); } if(element[0].nodeName == 'SPAN'){ element.width(availableWidth).height('auto'); } function resizeThisImage() { element.height(availableHeight).width('auto'); //Update width after first resize elementWidth = element.width(); if (elementWidth > availableWidth) { element.width(availableWidth).height('auto'); } //Update width after first resize elementWidth = element.width(); if (element.prev().is('button')) { var left = elementWidth / 2; element.prev().css('left', left + 'px'); } } } function bindSlideshowEvents(){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .next').on('click', function(){ var active = $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider .active').index(); var queued = active + 2; var previous = active - 1; var next = active + 1; $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *').addClass('animating'); setTimeout(function(){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *').removeClass('animating'); }, 400); //Animating class enables css transitions for margin-left. Removed with setTimeout that matches the css transition length if(($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .captions .caption').length - 1) > active) { $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .captions .active').removeClass('active'); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .captions .caption:eq(' + next + ')').addClass('active').removeClass('off'); } $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+queued+')').removeClass('off'); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+previous+')').addClass('off'); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+active+')').addClass('prevQueue').removeClass('active'); calculateDimensions($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+active+')')); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+next+')').addClass('active').removeClass('nextQueue off'); calculateDimensions($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+next+')')); if($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider .nextQueue').length == 0){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .next').hide(); if($(this).parents('.modalShade').hasClass('instagram')){ var id = $(this).parents('.modalShade').data('id'); if($('.instagramRow[data-id='+id+']').find('.panel').last().attr('data-maxid') != 'false'){ $('.instagramRow[data-id='+id+']').addClass('isLoading'); getInstagramData(id, function(){ $('.instagramRow[data-id='+id+']').find('.panel').last().removeClass('on'); }); } } } else { $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .next').show(); } if($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider .prevQueue').length == 0){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .previous').hide(); } else { $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .previous').show(); } }); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .previous').on('click', function(){ var active = $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider .active').index(); var queued = active - 2; var previous = active - 1; var next = active + 1; $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *').addClass('animating'); setTimeout(function(){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *').removeClass('animating'); }, 400); //Animating class enables css transitions for margin-left. Removed with setTimeout that matches the css transition length if(active > 0) { $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .captions .active').removeClass('active'); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .captions .caption:eq(' + previous + ')').addClass('active'); } if(queued >= 0){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+queued+')').addClass('prevQueue').removeClass('off'); } $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+previous+')').addClass('active').removeClass('prevQueue'); calculateDimensions($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+previous+')')); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+active+')').addClass('nextQueue').removeClass('active'); calculateDimensions($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider > *:eq('+active+')')); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider img:eq('+next+')').addClass('off'); if($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider .nextQueue').length == 0){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .next').hide(); } else { $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .next').show(); } if($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider .prevQueue').length == 0){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .previous').hide(); } else { $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .previous').show(); } }); } function modalSlideshow(type, id, title, showcaptions, index){ if(typeof index == 'undefined'){ index = 0; } var slideshow = { title: title, id: id, type: type, showcaptions: showcaptions, index: index }; function loadImg(i){ var imageSrc = $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .linkset a').eq(i).attr('href'); var caption = $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .linkset a').eq(i).attr('data-caption'); var needleIndex; var resizeDelay = 100; if(typeof $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap').attr('data-needle') === 'undefined'){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap').attr('data-needle',i); needleIndex = i; } else { needleIndex = parseInt($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap').attr('data-needle')); } if($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider img').length == 0){ //If this is the first image to be loaded in the modal set $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider').append(''); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .captions').append('
'); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider img:last-child').load(function(){ $(this).removeClass('off'); if(i < $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .linkset a').length - 1){ loadImg(i + 1); if(i != 0){ loadImg(i - 1); } } else if(i == $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .linkset a').length - 1) { loadImg(i - 1); } else { $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider').fadeIn(400, function(){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider img').each(function(){ calculateDimensions($(this)); }) }); calculateDimensions($('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider')); } setTimeout(function(){ calculateDimensions($(this)); }, resizeDelay); }); } if(i < needleIndex){ $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .slider').prepend(''); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .captions').prepend('
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'; $('.modalShade .slider').append(newItemHtml); $('.modalShade .captions').append(newCaptionHtml); } calculateDimensions($('.modalShade .slider > *')); $('.modalShade .slideshowWrap .controls .next').show(); } if(callback != false){ callback(); } }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (textStatus == 'timeout') { this.tryCount++; if (this.tryCount <= this.retryLimit) { //try again $.ajax(this); return; } return; } if (xhr.status == 500) { //handle error alert('Failed to load Instagram. Handle Error. Please try again later.'); instagramElement.removeClass('isLoading'); } else { alert('Failed to load Instagram. Please try again later.'); instagramElement.removeClass('isLoading'); } } }); } function modalInstagram (parent, index, title, id){ var itemHtml = ''; var captionHtml = ''; var element = parent.find('.modalInstagram[rel="'+index+'"]'); if(element.hasClass('video')){ itemHtml = ''; } else { itemHtml = ''; } captionHtml = '
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' + captionHtml + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
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'); $('.slideshowWrap .slider img, .slideshowWrap .slider span').each(function(){ calculateDimensions($(this)); }); $('.modalShade').animate({opacity: 1}, 200, function(){ modalInit = false; }); } function rowSlideshow(){ $('.slideshowRow').each(function(){ var slideshowElement = $(this); var initImageCount = slideshowElement.find('.player img').length; var spacerWidth = 100/initImageCount; var isAnimating = false; function sequentialLoad(i){ var img = slideshowElement.find('.linkset .slide:eq('+i+')').attr('href'); var caption = slideshowElement.find('.linkset .slide:eq('+i+')').attr('data-caption'); var smallCaption = slideshowElement.find('.linkset .slide:eq('+i+')').attr('data-smallcaption'); var linksetLength = slideshowElement.find('.linkset .slide').length; slideshowElement.find('.player .slider').append('
'); slideshowElement.find('.player img:eq('+i+')').one('load', function(){ if(i < linksetLength - 1){ sequentialLoad(i + 1); } else { slideshowElement.find('.next').show().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); } }); } if(slideshowElement.find('.linkset .slide').length > 3) { sequentialLoad(initImageCount); } slideshowElement.find('.next').on('click', function(){ if(isAnimating == false){ isAnimating = true; slideshowElement.find('.slider').animate({ marginLeft : (spacerWidth * -1)+'%' }, 200, function(){ slideshowElement.find('.slider .imgSpacer.on').first().removeClass('on').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200); slideshowElement.find('.slider .imgSpacer.on').last().next().addClass('on').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); slideshowElement.find('.slider').css('margin-left', '0%'); if(slideshowElement.find('.slider .imgSpacer:last-child').hasClass('on')){ //hides next button when the last image is on slideshowElement.find('.next').hide(); } if(!slideshowElement.find('.slider .imgSpacer:first-child').hasClass('on')){ //shows previous button when first slideshow image is not on slideshowElement.find('.previous').show().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); } isAnimating = false; }); } }); slideshowElement.find('.previous').on('click', function(){ if(isAnimating == false){ isAnimating = true; slideshowElement.find('.slider').animate({ marginLeft : spacerWidth+'%' }, 200, function(){ slideshowElement.find('.slider .imgSpacer.on').first().prev().addClass('on').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); slideshowElement.find('.slider .imgSpacer.on').last().removeClass('on').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200); slideshowElement.find('.slider').css('margin-left', '0%'); if(slideshowElement.find('.slider .imgSpacer:first-child').hasClass('on')){ //hides previous button when the last image is on slideshowElement.find('.previous').hide(); } if(!slideshowElement.find('.slider .imgSpacer:last-child').hasClass('on')){ //shows next button when last slideshow image is not on slideshowElement.find('.next').show().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); } isAnimating = false; }); } }); }); $('.slideshowRow').on('click', 'img', function(){ if(modalInit == false) { modalInit = true; var slideshow = $(this).closest('.slideshowRow'); var index = $(this).parent().index(); modalSlideshow('type'),'id'),'title'),'showcaptions'), index); } }); } function infographicsSlider(){ $('.infographicsCarousel').each(function() { var carousel = $(this); var initImageCount = carousel.find('.imgSpacer.on').length; var spacerWidth = 100 / initImageCount; var isAnimating = false; carousel.find('.off').css('opacity', 0); carousel.find('.previous').hide(); carousel.find('.next').on('click', function () { if (isAnimating == false) { isAnimating = true; carousel.find('.slider').animate({ marginLeft: (spacerWidth * -1) + '%' }, 200, function () { carousel.find('.slider .imgSpacer.on').first().removeClass('on').addClass('off').css('opacity', 0); carousel.find('.slider .imgSpacer.on').last().next().removeClass('off').addClass('on').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); carousel.find('.responsiveImg:not(:hidden)').each(function () { resizeImg($(this)); }); carousel.find('.slider').css('margin-left', '0%'); if (carousel.find('.slider .imgSpacer:last-child').hasClass('on')) { //hides next button when the last image is on carousel.find('.next').hide(); } if (!carousel.find('.slider .imgSpacer:first-child').hasClass('on')) { //shows previous button when first infographic image is not on carousel.find('.previous').show().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); } isAnimating = false; }); } }); carousel.find('.previous').on('click', function () { if (isAnimating == false) { isAnimating = true; carousel.find('.slider').animate({ marginLeft: spacerWidth + '%' }, 200, function () { carousel.find('.slider .imgSpacer.on').last().removeClass('on').addClass('off').css('opacity', 0); carousel.find('.slider .imgSpacer.on').first().prev().removeClass('off').addClass('on').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); carousel.find('.responsiveImg:not(:hidden)').each(function () { resizeImg($(this)); }); carousel.find('.slider').css('margin-left', '0%'); if (carousel.find('.slider .imgSpacer:first-child').hasClass('on')) { //hides previous button when the last image is on carousel.find('.previous').hide(); } if (!carousel.find('.slider .imgSpacer:last-child').hasClass('on')) { //shows next button when last infographic image is not on carousel.find('.next').show().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); } isAnimating = false; }); } }); }); } function genericSlider(){ var isAnimating = false; var spacerWidth = 100/3; $('.genericSlider').each(function(){ if($(this).find('.slider').length == 0){ //build slider and player around objects $(this).find('.rowWrap .copy').wrapInner('
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Check for both. if (typeof caption !== typeof undefined && caption !== false) { modalImage($(this).data('image'), $(this).data('caption')); } else { modalImage($(this).data('image')); } } }); $(document).on('click', '.modalInstagram', function(){ if(modalInit == false) { modalInit = true; var parent = $(this).parents('.slider'); var index = $(this).attr('rel'); var title = $(this).parents('.instagram').find('h2').text(); var id = $(this).parents('.instagram').data('id'); modalInstagram(parent, index, title, id); if($(this).parent().attr('data-maxid') != 'false' && parseInt($(this).attr('rel')) == parent.find('.modalInstagram').length -1){ $('.instagramRow[data-id='+id+']').addClass('isLoading'); getInstagramData(id, function(){ $('.instagramRow[data-id='+id+']').find('.panel').last().removeClass('on'); }); } } }); $(document).on('click', '.modalSlideshow', function(){ if(modalInit == false) { modalInit = true; modalSlideshow($(this).data('type'), $(this).data('id'), $(this).data('title'), $(this).data('showcaptions'), 0); 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var nextButton = row.find('#mashupRow-next, #feedRow-next'); var prevButton = row.find('#mashupRow-prev, #feedRow-prev'); row.attr('data-active', targetIndex + 1); slider.css('margin-left', offset * multiplier + 'px'); row.find('.activeIndicator').removeClass('noTransition'); setPaginationIndicator(row); if (row.attr('data-active') > 1) {; } if (row.attr('data-active') == 1) { prevButton.hide(); } if (row.attr('data-active') < restrainerElement.length) {; } if (row.attr('data-active') == restrainerElement.length) { nextButton.hide(); } } }); $(document).ready(function(){ initMobileMenu(); initToolbar(); setTables(); if($('#spotlightScroller').length > 0){ spotlightAutoScroller(); } if($('#heroScroller').length > 0){ heroAutoScroller(); } if($('#heroSlider').length > 0){ heroSlider(); } if($('.slideshowRow').length > 0){ rowSlideshow(); } if($('.instagramRow').length > 0) { rowInstagram(); if ($(window).width() <= 1000) { var newWidth = $(window).width() * 1.05; $('.instagramRow .panel').css('maxWidth', newWidth + 'px'); } } if($('.fullscreenSlideshow').length > 0){ fullscreenSlideshow(); } if($('.infographicsCarousel').length > 0){ infographicsSlider(); } if($('.genericSlider').length > 0){ genericSlider(); } if($('#submenu').length == 0 && $('#relatedContent').children().length == 0){ $('#primaryContent').addClass('col1'); //Makes secondary templates full width if they have no related content or subnav } $('.responsiveImg:not(:hidden)').each(function(){ resizeImg($(this)); }); if($('#iframeAlert').length > 0){ //iframed alert box for cached pages like WWW var iframeState = 'iframe=false'; $.ajax({ url: assetsUrl + '/actions/get/iframeAlert.php', type: "GET", data: iframeState, dataType: "jsonp", success: function (data) { eval(data); $('#alert, #iframeAlert').remove(); if(typeof console != 'undefined'){ console.log('Ajax Alert Enabled.'); } if(data.alert != null && data.alert != false){ if(typeof console != 'undefined'){ console.log('Javascript Alert Enabled.'); } $('body').prepend('
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