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Reply to astro-ph/9705190

Daniel J. Eisenstein and Emory F. Bunn

Nodland & Ralston [1] claim to have discovered evidence for birefringence in the propagation of radio waves through the universe. We have argued [2] that flaws in their statistical analysis decrease the statistical significance of their results; Carroll & Field [3] reach similar conclusions. Further data from Leahy [4] and Wardle et al. [5] strongly argue against the proposed effect. In [6], Nodland & Ralston responded to our critique. Here, we explain why their response is incorrect.

Nodland & Ralston base their reply [6] to our Comment on claims that several of our assertions were in error. They raise a number of different issues, but the chief arguments appear to fall into three categories. They claim 1) that the distribution of the angle tex2html_wrap_inline35 used in their Monte Carlo methods differs from the uniform distribution we ascribed to it, and 2) that one could measure a birefringence even if the underlying angular distribution(s) were uniform. They also claim 3) that our methods would obscure a reasonable linear correlation even if it were in the data. We show here in detail that they are in error in these three claims. Indeed, we find nothing in their reply that gives us reason to modify our Comment.

1) Nodland & Ralston object to our claim that the angle tex2html_wrap_inline35 in their simulations is drawn from a uniform distribution. We show here that our assertion is correct, i.e. that the simulated tex2html_wrap_inline35 's are indeed uniformly distributed.

The angle used in their statistical analysis does indeed depend on the galaxy's position angle tex2html_wrap_inline41 , its polarization angle tex2html_wrap_inline43 , its position on the sky, and the proposed birefringence direction tex2html_wrap_inline45 . However, the analysis procedure splits into two pieces: 1) the determination of the angles tex2html_wrap_inline47 and tex2html_wrap_inline49 from tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 , and 2) the choice of which of these angles to use given the particular relative position of the galaxy and the birefringence direction (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline47 in one half-space and tex2html_wrap_inline49 in the other). The search over many different tex2html_wrap_inline45 , as detailed in their procedures, never alters the values of tex2html_wrap_inline47 or tex2html_wrap_inline49 ; it merely alters which one of them is used at any given time. Hence, once tex2html_wrap_inline47 and tex2html_wrap_inline49 are determined from tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 at the beginning of the calculation, one need never refer to tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 again.

Moreover, the definitions of tex2html_wrap_inline47 and tex2html_wrap_inline49 reveal that tex2html_wrap_inline49 = tex2html_wrap_inline83 . Hence, knowledge of tex2html_wrap_inline47 for each galaxy at the beginning of the calculation, before calculating the correlation coefficient with respect to any birefringence direction, is all the information needed about the galaxy's polarization angles and position angles. This is true for both of the Monte Carlo procedures described in [1].

Hence, to prove that our treatment is equivalent to theirs, all we need do is show that drawing tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 from independent uniform distributions yields a uniform distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline47 . This is fairly clear, but for completeness, we now show the algebra.

Assume that for a given galaxy the angles tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 are drawn from independent uniform distributions on tex2html_wrap_inline97 . Now, consider the quantity tex2html_wrap_inline99 . The probability density for this quantity is obtained by convolving the uniform distributions of tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 . The result is a triangle-shaped distribution,


for all values of tex2html_wrap_inline105 between tex2html_wrap_inline107 and tex2html_wrap_inline109 . (Here tex2html_wrap_inline111 is an ordinary probability density: the probability that tex2html_wrap_inline105 lies between tex2html_wrap_inline115 and tex2html_wrap_inline117 is tex2html_wrap_inline119 .) Now apply equation (2) of [1] to convert tex2html_wrap_inline105 to tex2html_wrap_inline47 . Given any tex2html_wrap_inline47 between 0 and tex2html_wrap_inline109 , there are two values of tex2html_wrap_inline105 that can correspond to this tex2html_wrap_inline47 : either tex2html_wrap_inline133 or tex2html_wrap_inline135 . Therefore, the probability density for tex2html_wrap_inline47 is


So tex2html_wrap_inline47 is uniformly distributed on tex2html_wrap_inline97 . Hence, Nodland & Ralston's claim that our treatment differs from theirs is incorrect.

Real radio galaxies do not have uniformly distributed values of tex2html_wrap_inline35 . This is clear from Figure 1d of [1], in which tex2html_wrap_inline145 is clearly seen to cluster around tex2html_wrap_inline147 , and it is also well known from previous studies of radio galaxies. Our argument is that the incorrect assumption of uniformity artificially inflates the statistical significance of their results.

Nodland & Ralston defend their procedure by pointing out that tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 are uniformly distributed in the real data. That is correct but irrelevant. Only differences between tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 enter the calculation, and the correlation between the two angles causes these differences (encoded in tex2html_wrap_inline157 ) to be distributed nonuniformly. By drawing tex2html_wrap_inline43 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 from independent uniform distributions, Nodland & Ralston fail to take this correlation into account, leading to incorrect results.

2) Nodland & Ralston dispute our statement that ``if the underlying galaxy population truly had a uniform distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline35 , it would be impossible to measure the proposed birefringence at all.'' To see why our statement is true, remember that one is trying to measure an additional path-length-dependent variation on top of the intrinsic angle between the polarization and the major axis. If the polarization direction as the radiation left the galaxy were unrelated to the galaxy position angle tex2html_wrap_inline41 , one would never be able to distinguish the initial polarization angle from the rotation induced as the light traveled to us. Only by knowing something about the relation between the intrinsic polarization direction and some other observable property of the galaxy can one measure an additional path-length-dependent rotation.

For a mathematical treatment of this, let us suppose for the moment that the direction tex2html_wrap_inline45 of the axis is fixed. Then as we have argued, the Nodland-Ralston null hypothesis is equivalent to drawing each tex2html_wrap_inline47 value from a uniform distribution, generating tex2html_wrap_inline49 , and then choosing the appropriate one according to the sign of tex2html_wrap_inline173 . Now, suppose that we ``rotate'' each tex2html_wrap_inline35 in this data set by adding (modulo tex2html_wrap_inline109 ) the amount tex2html_wrap_inline179 to each tex2html_wrap_inline35 . Since the original tex2html_wrap_inline35 's were independently and uniformly distributed, the resulting tex2html_wrap_inline35 's will have precisely the same statistical distribution as before: they will be independent and uniformly distributed. There is therefore no statistical test that can distinguish between the ``rotated'' and ``unrotated'' data sets.

Nodland & Ralston propose as a counterexample a data set in which there is a perfect linear relation between tex2html_wrap_inline35 and tex2html_wrap_inline189 . While this data set has a uniform distribution of the observed tex2html_wrap_inline35 , it is not a case in which the underlying galaxy population satisfies this uniform distribution, and hence it has no bearing on the question at hand. Monte Carlo data sets drawn from uniform intrinsic distributions of tex2html_wrap_inline35 , with or without an additional tex2html_wrap_inline179 rotation, would have a negligible probability to place all of the points so nicely on a straight line. Since none of the Monte Carlo sets would look anything like the data (as quantified, say, by the correlation coefficient), this data would be not only striking evidence for birefringence but also evidence against an uniform distribution of intrinsic tex2html_wrap_inline35 's. Indeed, it is exactly because the birefringent model would reduce the tex2html_wrap_inline35 distribution to a distance-independent distribution that one favors this interpretation. Hence the counterexample does not bear upon our claim, as it does not satisfy the supposition of our assertion.

3) Nodland & Ralston claim that shuffling the data would fail to detect a perfectly correlated tex2html_wrap_inline201 distribution. This is incorrect. Shuffling means randomly matching the x coordinate of one data point with the y coordinate of another. If the data lay on an inclined straight line, no permutations of the data would ever produce a data set with as high a correlation; the new data sets would generically show large amounts of scatter. In this particular case, none of the shuffled data sets would have as high a correlation as the original data, since the latter has the maximum possible correlation coefficient (r=1). Hence, the correlation would be detected at high significance.

In the latter half of their reply, Nodland & Ralston merely restate our case. When they performed a somewhat more correct statistical procedure (shuffling the tex2html_wrap_inline35 's), the statistical significance of their result dropped considerably. They claim the signal is still significant, but they do not account for the fact that one has looked at many possible directions in the sky. In short, they confirm our essential point that using the distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline35 's from the observed distribution increases the correlation measured in the non-refringent universe, thereby decreasing the statistical significance of their claims. A similar calculation may be found in Carroll & Field [3, p. 10].

In conclusion, we find that none of the arguments in [6] provide us with any reason to modify the conclusions of our original Comment.

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Emory F. Bunn
Thu May 29 22:01:55 PDT 1997