Books Reviewed
Comments on any review are welcome on Milton-L, a discussion devoted to the life, literature and times of John Milton
(replies are not posted to MILTON REVIEW itself).

  1. MacLean, Gerald, ed. Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration. First ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xvi + 292 pp.
  2. Le Comte, Edward. Milton Re-viewed: Ten Essays, New York: Garland, 1991. xi+148pp.
  3. Honeygosky, Stephen R. Milton's House of God: The Invisible and Visible Church. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1993. xi + 255 pp. $39.95.
  4. (Due to a technical error, this number was not used). 
  5. Dowling, Paul M. Polite Wisdom: Heathen Rhetoric in Milton's Areopagitica. Lanham:Rowman and Littlefield, 1995. 113+xxxii. $21.00
  6. Aughterson, Kate, ed. Renaissance Woman: A Sourcebook. Constructions of Femininity in England. London and New York: Routledge, 1995. xv, [8] p. of plates, 316 p. $59.95 hardcover; $16.95 paperback.
  7. Rushdy, Ashraf H. A. The Empty Garden: The Subject of Late Milton. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992. xvii + 515 pp. $49.95.
  8. Shuger, Debora Kuller. The Renaissance Bible: Scholarship, Subjectivity, and Sacrifice. The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics 29. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. xv + 297 pp. ISBN: 0-520-08480-2.
  9. Snider, Alvin Martin. Origin and Authority in Seventeenth-Century England: Bacon, Milton, Butler. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1994; 3+ 243 pp. $65.00
  10. Benet, Diana T. & Lieb, Michael (eds). Literary Milton: Text, Pretext, Context, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1994. xxi+270pp. $48.00 ISBN 0-8207-0259-5
  11. Hawkins, Harriet, Strange Attractors: Literature, Culture and Chaos Theory, New York: Prentice Hall, 1995. xiv, 180 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. $21.50 
  12. Milton Studies XXXIII. The Miltonic Samson. Edited by Albert C. Labriola and Michael Lieb. Pp. xii + 204. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997.
  13. Evans, Martin. Milton's Imperial Epic: Paradise Lost and the Discourse of Colonialism. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1996; 194 pp.
  14. Six Good New Books on Milton:

    John Rogers, The Matter of Revolution: Science, Poetry, and Politics in the Age of Milton. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1996; xvi + 257 pp.

    John P. Rumrich, Milton Unbound: Controversy and Reinterpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996; xv + 186 pp.

    J. Martin Evans, Milton’s Imperial Epic: Paradise Lost and the Discourse of Colonialism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1996; xi + 194 pp.

    Stella P. Revard, Milton and the Tangles of Neaera’s Hair: The Making of the 1645 Poems. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P, 1997; x + 299 pp.

    Robert Thomas Fallon, Divided Empire: Milton’s Political Imagery. University Park: Pennsylvania SUP, 1995; xviii + 190 pp.

    Gordon Campbell, A Milton Chronology. New York: St. Martin’s. London: Macmillan, 1997; xii + 255 pp.

  15. Luxon, Thomas H. Literal Figures: Puritan Allegory and the Reformation Crisis in Representation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1995.

Last updated May 26, 1998 by Kevin J.T. Creamer,