Photos from Hobart and William Smith Colleges


Parish Research Group during the '03-’04 Academic Year 

From L->R CP, Max Macaluso, Jeff Sullivan, Rebecca Splain, Gil Arbelaez and Hilda Castillo. Missing: Matt Yarger and Max Zimmerley



Parish Research Group during the '02-’03 Academic Year


From L->R backrow: Julia James, Sean Hillson, Max Zimmerley, Max Macaluso. Middle row: Hilda Castillo, Kristin Schram, Emelyn Smith. Front: Rubeena Pierre-Philippe, Jen Pratt. Missing: Matt Yarger




Summer ’02 Group Action Photos!



Everyone in the lab! CP, Emelyn, Jen, Hilda and Julia




Parish Summer '02 Research Group!


Front row, left to right: I. Langmuir, M. Planck, M. Curie, Jen Pratt, A. Einstein, P. Langevin, C. E. Guye, C. T. R. Wilson, O. W. Richardson. Second row, left to right: P. Debye, M. Knudsen, W. L. Bragg, Julia James, Emelyn Smith, A. H. Compton, L. V. de Broglie, M. Born, N. Bohr. Standing, left to right: A. Piccard, E. Henriot, P. Ehrenfest, Hilda Castillo, Carol Parish, E. Schroedinger, E. Verschaffelt, W. Pauli, W. Heisenberg, R. H. Fowler, L. Brillouin.






Summer ’01 Group Action Photos!



A group hiking trip (with Christine de Denus’ group).  We hiked the Dresden Trail, also known as the Keuka Outlet Trail. 

From R to L : Jen Pratt, CP, Yixiu Zheng, Kristin Schram, Julia James and Myrianne Dure.



Kristin’s 20th Birthday Bash!   From L to R: Jackie Toner*, Lindsey Bowser, Chassidy Pierce*, Myrianne Dure, Jen Pratt, the birthday girl, Julia James, Yixiu Zheng, Emelyn’s little sister, Professor Christine de Denus and Emelyn Smithe. The little guy in front is the summer science mascot Josh Zeldin!  (* members of the de Denus research group)



Kristin’s cake.  Yes, that is Ewan McGregor on her cake!





Kristin and Josh  (Watch out Tim Riley!)




Summer Science lunch at Ports Grill



Summer Science lunch at the Lake




A Birthday Cake that students arranged for CP’s Birthday!  Check out the cool inscription, cyclic urea decoration and Carol* notation (something only a MacroModel user would understand!)



CP’s Birthday Bash!  From R to L:  Professor Christine de Dedenus, Sheila McKevitt*, Myrianne Dure, Jen Pratt, Jackie Toner*, CP, Emelyn Smithe, Kristin Schram, Julia James, Yixiu Zheng and Chassidy Pierce* (members of the de Denus group.)



Academic Year ’00-’01 Action Photos:



Group Dinner ‘01

From L to R: CP, Matt Pane, John Thomas, Rebecca Gooch, Kent Sinclair, Esther Vivas and Rosina Lombardi




Rosina Lombardi and John Thomas at Matt Pane’s hockey game


Summer ’99 Action Photos:

Kent Sinclair and Esther Vivas on the carousel at the Pier in San Francisco (Kent and Esther were in San Francisco to present their research at the American Chemical Society national conference.)


HWS Summer Science students at a weekend excursion to Six Flags Darien Lake!


Spring '00 Group dinner at Spinakers

From left: Rebecca, Gabe, Kent, Missy and Sharon



Anna and Sharon in their hotel room at the ACS meeting in San Francisco



Group photo at the ACS "Mixer," San Francisco



Parish Group Spring '99 dinner at the Cobblestone

From left: Theresa, Anna and Sharon, missing: Rebecca