HWS Chemistry majors meet Nobel Prize Laureates!!!!!


Professor Roald Hoffmann, Nobel in Chemistry 1981, hosted the First Year Seminar Class for lunch and a tour of his research laboratories at Cornell University.   In this picture Professor Hoffmann was describing the Woodward-Hoffmann rules for cycloaddition to HWS students.

Students meet Professor E.J. Corey, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1990, at the Boston American Chemical Society meeting.

Students meet Gertrude Elion, Nobel Laureate in Medicine 1988,

 at the Boston American Chemical Society meeting. Sadly, Ms. Elion passed away recently.

Students meet Professor Glenn Seaborg, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1951, at the Boston American Chemical Society meeting. Sadly, Professor Seaborg passed away not too long after this photo was taken.

Students meet Professor Roald Hoffmann, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1981, at the Boston American Chemical Society meeting.