Our research group is part of the Molecular Education and Research Consortium in computational chemistRY (MERCURY). The consortium was formed in 2000 and consists of George Shields (Hamilton College), Maria Gomez (Mount Holyoke College), Carol Parish (University of Richmond) and Marc Zimmer (Connecticut College). Our objective upon forming the MERCURY consortium was to help our undergraduate research programs to flourish.

We have recieved funding from the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation program to purchase computing with which to support our research programs. MERCURY faculty and students have regular and frequent interactions as we all perform calculations on two shared supercomputers located at Hamilton College: a 32-processor and an 8-processor SGI Origin 300 that were purchased with NSF-MRI funds. This grant has also allowed us to hire a system administrator, Steve Young, who is located at Hamilton College and who provides considerable and valuable support to MERCURY faculty and students and allows us to make maximum use of our computing resources. He is currently building a 32-processor Beowulf Cluster for the consortium.

For more information please visit the consortium home page at mars.chem.hamilton.edu

 HWS Press Release on the MERCURY consortium