The Department of Chemistry at Hobart & William Smith Colleges is involved in developing and implementing a new laboratory curriculum which is modeled after the interdisciplinary, team-focused methods of investigation that occur in post- baccalaureate professional and industrial settings.  The cooperative learning projects interleave synthetic and spectroscopic methodologies within the interdisciplinary umbrella of computer-aided molecular modeling.   This project has been generously supported by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation and the Patchett Foundation.

Description and Significance of the Project

The Department of Chemistry intends to develop a new model for scientific instruction.  The complex nature of science and technology requires that scientists are trained not only rigorously within a discipline, but also with an understanding of, and appreciation for, other disciplines.  The model we propose incorporates cooperative, interactive laboratory projects into the curriculum, not only within courses, but between courses as well.  We intend to introduce this discovery-based, “working-in-groups” method for learning chemistry at all levels of our curriculum.  Previous studies have shown that cooperative learning and the development of improved communication skills were directly correlated with increased performance and retention among chemistry students.[1]  We will be teaching chemistry the way chemistry is done, choosing from among a powerful and diverse set of tools with which to attack real world problems.  These projects will help students to develop the skills necessary to work together effectively, and to utilize their distributed expertise synergistically.  Interactive projects will attract and cultivate student interest in the basic sciences and an emphasis on computer-aided visualization will increase the diversity and numbers of students electing chemistry as a major.  We have chosen molecular modeling as the basis of the inter-class link because it is a multidisciplinary area of science that transcends the traditional boundaries that separate biology, chemistry, physics and computer science.  There have been a number of reports in the chemical education literature emphasizing the importance of computational chemistry in the undergraduate curriculum.[2],[3],[4],[5]

The Department of Chemistry has recently committed to a major restructuring of the chemistry curriculum to encourage cross-disciplinary connections in ways that are seamless, rigorous, and encourage the retention of material and enjoyment of the subject.  As a logical first step in our curriculum reform, we are developing laboratory projects not only within and between chemistry courses, but between courses in different science departments as well.  The inter-class laboratory projects will be incorporated at all levels of our curriculum and will enable students to i.) learn to work and communicate effectively together,  ii.) discover, first hand, the excitement that comes from solving real world scientific problems, and  iii.) be systematically exposed to modern, technologically sophisticated scientific techniques.  Our goal is to have every one of the 250+ students who annually take chemistry courses at Hobart and William Smith Colleges participate in a project-oriented, collaborative approach to learning.  The model we have developed is applicable across the chemistry curriculum but is dependent upon the availability of molecular modeling laboratory equipped with graphics-capable computer workstations.  We are currently developing new laboratory based projects and have successfully incorporated the following examples:

Collaborative Laboratory Connecting  Chem. 240, Organic Chemistry II and Chem. 320, Physical Chemistry I:  As one example of the types of collaborative laboratory exercises that we envision, the conformational behavior of a series of Mosher amides will be investigated using NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling.  Derivatization of optically active amines as Mosher amides is a convenient and reliable way to obtain quantitative information about the absolute stereochemistry of the underivatized amine.  The nonequivalence of the NMR spectra of diastereomeric Mosher amides can be used to determine the enantiomeric purity of the amines.  The Mosher argument assumes that the most stable conformation of the (S)–amide is as shown in 1.  This argument can be confirmed and visualized using molecular modeling of the diastereomeric Mosher amides.

In the (S )–amide(1) protons in the L3 portion of the molecule are shifted upfield while those in the L2 portion of the molecule appear further downfield.  Organic chemistry students will be given optically pure amines and will work in teams to derivatize the amines with both enantiomers of Mosher acid chloride.  Simultaneously, the physical chemistry students will utilize molecular modeling methods to identify the lowest energy conformation of each diastereomer.  The organic and physical chemistry students will then work together in sub-disciplinary, inter-class teams, describing their individual contributions to the overall project.  Each sub-disciplinary team will then record the NMR spectra of the diastereomeric Mosher amides and deduce the absolute configuration of the starting amine.

This particular laboratory was our first experiment to be implemented.  In the semester prior to the introduction of the laboratory, the project director worked with our organic chemist and an independent study student to develop the laboratory materials and techniques.  Then, twelve physical chemistry students worked together with twelve organic chemistry students (a subset of the total number of organic students for the year due to a lack of workstation resources).  The results from this pilot were very encouraging, as judged by i.) the results and comments from our traditional, formal student course evaluations, ii.) the results from an evaluation form designed to assess an understanding and retention of the material presented, and iii) informal conversations with students and observations of student enthusiasm for the format.

Collaborative Laboratory Connecting  Chem. 322, Physical Chemistry II and Chem. 448, Biochemistry I: Another example of the types of collaborative laboratory exercises that we plan to develop involves the use of molecular modeling and nmr spectroscopy to investigate the solution structure for Angiotensin I.  This laboratory will likely extend over a number of weeks in the term, allowing students to develop strong working relationships.  Biochemistry and physical chemistry students will work together to build an energy minimized solution-phase model of Angiotensin by investigating its conformational flexibility using the Amber force field combined with a continuum approach to solvation.  In the second week, students work together to collect and assign a 1D proton and C13 spectrum of simple amino acids and small peptides in D2O.  Using the smaller peptides, students will generate a library of spectra to assist in making assignments on the more complex Angiotensin.  In week three, students will take the 1D proton spectrum of angiotensin and use this information to verify the amino acid composition and sequence.  Next, in week four, the student will learn about and collect 2D COSY and NOESY spectra for Angiotensin.  Students will use this data to identify dihedral angle and interatomic distance constraints, which can be used to further refine the computer model for the 3D structure.  In the last week of the laboratory, students will learn together about molecular dynamics and use these methods to investigate the local solution-phase behavior of Angiotensin, subject to experimental constraints.  This laboratory will encourage students to work together effectively and consistently over an extended period of time on a project-oriented problem, to connect information learned from different courses and to experience, first hand, the inter-relationship between theory and experiment, molecular models and observed behavior.

Collaborative Laboratory Connecting  Chem. 322, Physical Chemistry II and Chem. 436, Inorganic Chemistry: This laboratory exercise utilizes inorganic synthesis, electronic absorption spectroscopy and molecular modeling to prepare and characterize cobalt (III) ammine complexes and to investigate the effect different ligands have on the conductivity and electronic transition spectra.  Inorganic students will synthesize a series of cobalt complexes:

[ Co (NH3)5 X ] +3-l  Yy

where X-l represents a series of different ligands and Yy represents the counter ion(s).  The physical chemistry students will perform a series of quantum calculations on small cobalt complexes to develop a suitable molecular mechanics force field for these systems.  Conformational searching will be performed on each complex synthesized, locating all low energy structures and evaluating the corresponding energies.  The inorganic and physical chemistry students will then work together in sub-disciplinary, inter-class teams, describing their individual contributions to the overall project.  Sub-disciplinary teams will coordinate the collection of electronic absorption spectra for each complex and  i.) assign ligand field transitions, ii) evaluate energy differences between reactants, products and possible intermediates and iii.) compare reaction conditions with energetic information to determine the kinetic/thermodynamic product, for the various ligand-substituted complexes.

Collaborative Laboratory Connecting  Chem. 110, General Chemistry and Chem. 240, Organic Chemistry:  One of the experiments utilized in the organic/introductory chemistry collaboration is a simple, fun experiment that relates the "fruity" odors of acetate esters to their molecular structure.  The students will explore first hand the issues and problems confronted by flavor and fragrance chemists.  Various esters can be prepared easily and inexpensively by the organic students via Fisher esterification.  The general chemistry students will use molecular modeling software to build and energy minimize the molecules that are synthesized.  The organic and general chemistry students then work together to calculate and tabulate a number of molecular descriptors such as dipole moments and molecular volumes and surface areas.  This information is used to develop a relationship between molecular structure and function, in this case, odor.  By enabling our first and second year chemistry students to use "technologically sophisticated" workstations to visualize molecular phenomenon, we hope to build their confidence, interest and desire to continue in science.

We intend to build at least one collaborative laboratory bridge between each of our traditional courses in chemistry.  We plan to stagger the collaborations utilized every other year, so that, for instance, a chemistry/biochemistry major will have numerous opportunities to participate in collaborations without having to repeat a particular project.  Table 1 provides a sampling of other inter-class projects that we envision.

Table 1. Inter-Class Cooperative Learning Projects.  (N is the average class enrollment per term, laboratory sizes are never larger than 20)






Chem. 220

Physical Chemistry I.


Chem. 110

General Chemistry I


Conformational entropy/enthalpy

Chem. 436

Inorganic Chemistry


Chem. 241

Organic Chemistry


conf. flexibility about a metal center

Chem. 241

Organic Chemistry II


Chem. 322

Physical Chemistry II


Experimental/theoretical study of Diels-Alder rxns

Chem. 240

Organic Chemistry


Chem. 320

Physical Chemistry


Experimental/theoretical study of Hammond postulate

Chem. 348

BioChemistry I


Chem. 322

Physical Chemistry II


protein inhibition, enzyme kinetics


Organic Chemistry II


Chem. 449

BioChemistry II


drug design

Chem. 449

BioChemistry II


Chem. 322

Physical Chemistry II


DNA intercalation


Information about Hobart and William Smith Colleges


Hobart College for men, founded in 1822, and William Smith College for women, founded in 1908, comprise a coordinate, residential liberal arts and science institution.  The Colleges share a common curriculum and faculty while offering students the benefits of both a single-sex and coeducational environment by maintaining separate residential, athletic and student government programs.  This unique environment enables men and women to enjoy a range of leadership and discovery opportunities.

The educational objective of the Colleges is to provide an academically rigorous liberal arts and science education with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary work.   There are 134 faculty with 98% of the faculty holding the Ph.D. or equivalently terminal degree.  Women comprise 40% of the faculty, and women scientists total 35% of the science faculty.  There is a heavy emphasis on teaching, and research and publishing with undergraduates is expected.  Admission to the Colleges is rated as highly selective.  The combined enrollment at Hobart and William Smith Colleges for the Fall of 1997 was 1780 undergraduates with a nearly equal distribution among men and women. The faculty to student ratio is 13:1.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges has developed a highly effected program for recruitment and retention of minority students.  In the fall of 1997, 18% of the first year students were minority U.S. citizens or foreign nationals of minority background.  Academic support services for minority students are coordinated by the associate dean for intercultural affairs who also administers the Colleges Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP). This program which is funded by the State of New York, assists students who are economically and educationally disadvantaged.  Hobart and William Smith has achieved the highest retention and graduation rate of all HEOP programs in the state, with an average of 77% of all participants completing their degrees within six years. 

Graduation requirements reflect the Colleges commitment to academically rigorous liberal arts and science education in an interdisciplinary environment.  All students must complete two majors (or a major and a minor), one of which must be disciplinary while the other must be interdisciplinary in nature.  The William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust recognized the Colleges for its excellence in undergraduate teaching with the award of a $2 million challenge grant to endow a William R. Kenan Jr. Professorship and encourage the formation of a $3 million endowed faculty development fund.  The Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation has also recognized the College’s innovative leadership in curriculum and pedagogy development with three awards totaling nearly two million dollars for ongoing support and endowment.


Chemistry at Hobart & William Smith Colleges

The chemistry department at Hobart and William Smith Colleges offers a range of intellectual, collegial and mentoring opportunities for students and faculty alike.  We currently have five Ph.D. faculty occupying tenured or tenurable positions, three visiting professor positions, a senior research scientist and one full time laboratory technician.  The youth and enthusiasm of our new faculty, combined with the strength and stability of our mid-career full professors will enable HWS chemistry to make a quantum leap forward in teaching and research excellence. 

One measure of the quality of the chemistry faculty is the number of chemistry and biochemistry graduates going on to advanced study or employment in the chemical sciences.  Our survey of graduates in the past ten years indicate that 24 of 62 majors in chemistry, or 38%, have entered graduate programs in the chemical sciences, 25% have chosen careers in the chemical industry and 26% have pursued medical or other professional programs.  These statistics indicate that students attracted to the sciences at Hobart and William Smith are well served by their training and are strongly motivated to continue in science.  Another measure of the robustness of the department is the rapid growth of the biochemistry major.  This program has grown from 3 majors since it’s inception in1994 to 20 in 1998.  This growth complements the department’s historically steady, 10-12 chemistry majors declared each year.

The chemistry department prides itself in offering to every one of its majors the opportunity to do research, one-on-one, with a faculty member.  Students can do research during the summer with stipend and housing support from the Provost’s Office or the departmental Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Science Research Grant.  The level of student research activity in the department is significant and 80% of our majors participate in research even though it is not a requirement for the major.  Students often present the results of their research at scientific meetings.  At the last national American Chemical Society meeting in Boston, 16 Hobart and William Smith students presented their work.

The Colleges are recognized for their commitment to encouraging women to pursue careers in science.  This reputation was recently confirmed by a national survey of undergraduate science programs at selective liberal arts colleges, which ranked the Colleges among the leading baccalaureate sources of natural science doctorates earned by women.  In the past five years, 65% of our chemistry majors have been women, and more than half of these women have gone on to pursue advanced study in the chemical sciences.

Institutional Support of the Project

The Colleges have committed to providing the space and resources necessary to renovate an existing wet laboratory to a molecular modeling facility.  This includes the removal of fume hoods, benchtops, false walls and plumbing, and the installation of static-free carpeting.  The Colleges have also committed the funds necessary to equip the room with the appropriate computer furniture, bookcases and ample electrical source. 


Resources Available for the Project

The chemistry department is fortunate to have a wide variety of powerful spectrometers with which to develop new laboratory experiments. The use of modern spectroscopy in lower-level collaborative projects will allow students, science and non-science alike, to gain familiarity and appreciation of techniques and skills they might not otherwise obtain.  In the past five years, the department was the recipient of three NSF-ILI grants for:  a 300 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (#USE-9250347), an inductively coupled plasma spectrometer (#USE-9250655) and a GC-MS spectrometer equipped with an autosampler (#DUE-9751652/1997 Dreyfus Special Grant Award).  Also available is a Perkin Elmer DSC/TGA, a Perkin Elmer 559A UV/Vis, a Mattson Galaxy 2020 FT-IR, a Perkin Elmer AA-372 Atomic Absorption, a Perkin Elmer 650-10S Fluorescence, a Beckman HPLC/IBM PC and Leica Quantimet Image Analysis system.  Computational chemistry software is readily available as the department currently holds licenses to run MacroModel, Jaguar, Delphi, GAMESS and SynLib on an unlimited number of computers.  The PI has five Silicon Graphics O2 workstations, and these will be available for use in the collaborative projects, however they are used heavily in undergraduate research projects, and the computational cycles available will be limited.

Implementation and Equipment Maintenance 

The project director (C. Parish) assumes responsibility for system administration of the molecular modeling laboratory, including networking, routine maintenance and trouble shooting.  For more serious repairs the chemistry department has committed the necessary support.  We plan a for a molecular modeling laboratory capable of serving classes of 24-48 students, with teams of 2–4 students per workstation.  Our largest laboratory section in chemistry is limited to 20 students, so the modeling laboratory will easily accommodate even collaboration between two of our largest sections.

Evaluation and Dissemination

The Hobart and William Smith chemistry department is an ideal setting for experimenting with cooperative, inter-class learning strategies owing to its flexibility and commitment to scientific rigor.  In order to assess the impact of this change in our curriculum, we plan to carefully evaluate i.) the results and comments from our traditional, formal student course evaluations, ii.) the results from an evaluation form designed to assess an understanding of the material, comparing differences in understanding and content mastery between students who had been exposed to the material via a collaborative lab versus those who were exposed in a more traditional, non-collaborative format, and iii) the results of post-course, exit and post-graduate interviews with students.

Our aspiration is for the results of these experiments and innovations to be useful in the national reform of science curricula.  We intend to report the results of these inter-class projects at national chemistry meetings.  Preliminary work on our use of the Mosher amide cooperative laboratory as a pilot has already been presented at the 215th National American Chemical Society meeting in Dallas.  This presentation initiated a number of requests for laboratory materials from departments at other institutions, which we obliged. Articles describing our findings will be submitted to the Journal of Chemical Education and published on our departmental web page for widespread dissemination.

Encouraged by the enthusiastic response at the Dallas ACS meeting, we intend to volunteer in the Division of Chemical Education to organize a symposium focusing on collaborative learning at an upcoming national ACS meeting.  We would also contact pharmaceutical and chemical companies for support of this symposium and encourage the establishment of industrial grants and scholarships for the implementation of a collaborative approach to laboratory work at other institutions.  We plan to use the majordomo facilities at HWS to establish a USENET news/discussion group which anyone on the internet interested in collaborative learning could read and contribute to.  The symposium, major developments and the establishment of the discussion group would be disseminated via postings to existing electronic list, such as the Council on Undergraduate Research list (cur-l) and the Computational Chemistry list (CCL).  Finally, we would contact other institutions with large scale efforts underway at curriculum reform, and explore ways of dovetailing our efforts with theirs.

[1]  Dougherty, R. C.; Bowen , C. W.; Berger, T.; Rees, W.; Mellon, E. K.; and Pulliam, E. J. Chem. Ed. 1995, 72, 793-797.

[2]  Lipkowitz, K.B.  J. Chem. Ed . 1989, 66, 275.

[3]  Rosenfeld, S.J.  J. Chem. Ed . 1991, 68, 489.

[4]  Jarret, R.M.; Sin, N.J. J. Chem. Ed . 1990, 67, 153.

[5]  Bailey, R.A.  J. Chem. Ed . 1989, 66, 675.