Campaign 2009

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U.S. Senator Mark Warner with Professor Morgan


Click on names to go to candidates' Web sites: 

Candidates for Governor:

Bob McDonnell

Creigh Deeds


Candidates for Lieutenant Governor:

Bill Bolling

Jody Wagner


Candidates for Attorney General:

Ken Cuccinelli

Steve Shannon


2009 Virginia General Assembly elections:  Candidates for the House of Delegates

Voter registration information

Virginia House of Delegates Districts:  


The Virginia Library Exhibit:
A Full vote, A free ballot, A fair count - Political Life in Virginia

November 3rd Election:


Bob McDonnell

Creigh Deeds

Lieutenant Governor:

Bill Bolling

November 3rd Election:


 Bob McDonnell             Creigh Deeds

 Lieutenant Governor:

 Bill Bolling                    Jody Wagner

 Attorney General:

 Ken Cuccinelli            Steve Shannon  

 House of Delegates Candidate Lists

 Senator Mark Warner with Professor Morgan

 Sample Election News and Information Sites:

  Richmond Times-Dispatch              Washington Post

  Washington Times                           NBC 12



Dr. Bob Holsworth's Blog          Virginia Political Blogs


"Those who expect to reap the blessings of liberty must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."--Thomas Paine

· Follow the $$ money trail:  Virginia ... National


· National Election Studies: Longitudinal data on voting behavior & opinions


· The Polling Report (large sample polls)


Recent Virginia Election Results

Yearly Election Turnout

Political Parties in Virginia:

· Republicans

· Democrats

· Independent Greens

· Virginia Reform Party

· Virginia Constitution Party  

· Libertarians

· Links to other national and state political parties

State Board of Elections--Nov., 200 Official Virginia Election Results:  Statewide and General Assembly Elections


Virginia Senate Districts: