RECON Input File Used in Research : lambda.tcl # # init file for online RECSIS testing on a data file. # # load in Tcl procedures. puts "Using local version of recsis_proc.tcl in current directory.\n"; source recsis_proc.tcl # choose the standard PRODUCTION ddl file by hand because we're # picking up the wrong directory because of an environment variable # conflict in the online. #setc ddl_file /net/f7s2/group/clas/builds/release-1-21/packages/bankdefs/clasbanks.ddl # choose a non-standard roads file for eg1 because the target has been # moved upstream relative to the usual location. #set prlink_file_name /net/fs1/site/clas/SDA/DAT/lnk_1930_pt51.bos # define desired packages for hit-based tracking and to identify # the electron. turnon ALL set ltrk_do $true; set legn_do $true; set lcc_do $true; set ltof_do $true; set lseb_do $true; set lusr1_do $true; set lhbid_do $true; set lpid_make_trks $true; set lst_do $true; # turn on global memory for real-time histogram viewing. global_section off # set magnet currents set torus_current 3475; set mini_torus_current 6000; set poltarget_current 0; # choose input file. inputfile /usr/users/clark/gsimbat.gsim #inputfile /usr/users/gilfoyle/data/clas_016255.A00 # choose an output file. #outputfile EG1Test2.evt # use correct time->distance for monte carlo. set dc_xvst_choice 0 # choose the level of analysis. # 0=raw; 2=hbt; 3=LR ambiguity; 4=tbt. set trk_level 4; # tell FPACK not to stop if it thinks you are running out of time. fpack "timestop -999999999" # make your own prompt. setc rec_prompt "[exec whoami]_recsis> " # do it!