PAW Usage and Purpose Documentation

PAW is the P_hysics A_nalysis W_orkstation. I used this software to analyze the histograms generated by RECON (RECSIS.) PAW (and PAW++) both provide decent ways to view histograms as well as the statistics of the histograms, such as means, standard deviations and such. This allows for relatively simple and quick data analysis once events (simulated or real) have been processed by RECON. PAW is run simply by using one of the following commands, PAW++ being a more "point and click" oriented interface than PAW:



Once PAW is running, the RECON output file can be loaded using a command similar to the following (depending on the name of the RECON output file, as well as the value of the second command argument, which can be any of several acceptable values):

h/file 20 re2333.rzn

The following commands are then useful for viewing statistics,for listing histograms and for viewing a specific histogram X, respectively:

opt stat


h/pl X

PAW, therefore, is a valuable tool for histogram analysis, and was useful this summer for analyzing the results of the simulations run with CELEG and GSIM in order to determine the success of the work.

Appropriate References:

PAW Reference

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