GSIM Usage and Purpose Documentation

GSIM is the G_eant SIM_ulation software officially used for the Cebaf Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). It contains an internal kinematics generator as well as the ability to use external kinematics generators, such as CELEG, which I am currently using. This makes GSIM quite flexible and useful for a number of different experiments with varying levels of complexity. GSIM can be run in either batch or interactive mode. Typically batch is the more useful of the two modes since it requires less time and usually monitoring of the progress of the run is not required. However, the interactive mode can be interesting aesthetically.

The two main GSIM input parameter files are the .csh and the .ffread files. These provide parameters for GSIM, selecting the kinematics input file (if appropriate) as well as the settings and resolution of the various components of the detector. Click these links to view examples of the .ffread and the .csh files.

GSIM batch can be run simply by using the following command:


(or whatever particular .csh file is being used.)

This simple line of instruction will cause GSIM to take the specified input file (or use the internal kinematics generator) and simulate the data, creating a BOS output file that can be viewed using the C_LAS E_vent D_isplay software (CED.) The BOS output from GSIM can then be analyzed using RECSIS or a similar program. RECSIS is the software I have used.

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