Physics 401 Test 2

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Multiple Choice Questions (5 points apiece).

  1. A deuteron ( $Z=1,\ m = 2\,u$) is incident on a lead nucleus ( $Z=82,\ m=208\,u$) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The terminal voltage of the accelerator is $15~MeV$. Find the distance of closest approach in a head-on collision.

    (a) 7.87 fm (d) 10.64 fm
    (b) 15.74 fm (e) 13.20 fm
    (c) 5.32 fm    

  2. In the derivation of the Stefan-Boltzmann law from the Planck distribution, one must evaluate the integral

\int_0^\infty z^3 dz /(e^z - 1)

    where $z=hv/kT$. What is the value of this integral?

    (a) $\pi^4/15$ (d) $\pi^3/15$
    (b) $\pi^3/90$ (e) $\pi^4/90$
    (c) $\pi^2/40$    

  3. A ball with a mass of $0.002~kg$ and a kinetic energy of $10^{-3}~J$ is incident upon a rectangular hill $0.20~m$ in height and $0.02 ~m$ in width as shown. What is the probability the ball will quantum mechanically tunnel through the hill and appear on the other side?

    (a) $e^{-1.3\times 10^{30}}$ (d) $e^{-13.8}$
    (b) $e^{-3.0\times 10^{30}}$ (e) $e^{-7.4\times 10^{28}}$
    (c) $e^{-9.2}$    


  4. One must use the de Broglie wavelength concept to `derive' the Schroedinger equation from the one-dimensional wave equation. What de Broglie wavelength must be used to get the general time independent equation?

    (a) $\lambda = h/\sqrt{2mE}$ (d) $\lambda = h/\sqrt{2m(E+U)}$
    (b) $\lambda = h/\sqrt{2mU}$ (e) $\lambda = h/\sqrt{m(E-U)}$
    (c) $\lambda = h/\sqrt{2m(E-U)}$    

Problems. Clearly show all work for full credit.

1. (20 pts.) A harmonic oscillator with energy $E_n = (n+1/2)\hbar \omega_0$ consists of a mass $m=0.002\, kg$ on a spring oscillating with a frequency of $\nu = 1.0~Hz$. It passes through its equilibrium position with a velocity of $v_e = 12~m/s$. How many quanta are in the system?

2. (20 pts.) Calculate the expectation value of the momentum for a particle in the $n=15$ harmonic oscillator state using the annihilation and creation operators shown below. Clearly show all your steps. Does your result make sense? Explain. You may find the following relationships useful

\hat a = {\beta \over \sqrt 2} \left ( \hat x + {i\hat p \ov...
... \sqrt 2} \left ( \hat x - {i\hat p \over m \omega_0} \right )

\hat a \vert \phi_n\rangle = \sqrt n ~\vert \phi_{n-1}\rangl...
...gger \vert \phi_n \rangle = \sqrt{n+1} ~\vert\phi_{n+1}\rangle

where $\beta = \sqrt{m\omega_0 /\hbar}$.

3. (40 pts.) In class we found the general solution to the rectangular barrier problem for the potential shown in the figure below.


This general solution in the three regions labelled in the figure is

\phi_1 &=& Ae^{ik_1 x} + Be^{-ik_1 x} \\
\phi_2 &=& Ce^{ik_2 x} + De^{-ik_2 x} \\
\phi_3 &=& Fe^{ik_1 x} + Ge^{-ik_1 x}

where the wave numbers are defined in the following way.

k_1 = \sqrt{ 2mE \over \hbar^2 } \qquad
k_2 = \sqrt{ 2m(E-V_0) \over \hbar^2}

3. (cont.) We expressed the wave functions in each region in the form of column vectors

\psi_1 = \pmatrix{ A \cr B } \qquad
\psi_2 = \pmatrix{ C \cr D } \qquad
\psi_3 = \pmatrix{ F \cr G }

and the boundary conditions in the form of the matrices

\psi_1 =
{\rm\bf d}_{12} {\rm\bf p}_2 {\rm\bf d}_{21} {\rm\bf p}_{1}^{-1}\psi_3 =
{\rm\bf t}\psi_3

where $\rm\bf t$ is the transfer matrix, $\rm\bf d_{12}$ and $\rm\bf d_{21}$ are discontinuity matrices, and $\rm\bf p_2$ and $\rm\bf p_1^{\bf -1}$ are the propagation matrices. The discontinuity and propagation matrices are defined in the following way.

{\bf d_{12}} = {1 \over 2}
\pmatrix{ 1 + {k_2 \over k_1} & ...
...2} \cr
1 - {k_1 \over k_2} & 1 + {k_1 \over k_2} \cr
} \quad

{\bf p_{2}} =
\pmatrix{ e^{-ik_2 2a} & 0 \cr
0 & e^{ ik_2 ...
...f -1} =
\pmatrix{ e^{ ik_1 2a} & 0 \cr
0 & e^{-ik_1 2a} \cr}

Consider the elements of $\rm\bf d_{12}$, $\rm\bf d_{21}$, $\rm\bf p_{2}$, and $\rm\bf p_{1}^{-1}$ to be known quantities. In region 3 we set $G=0$ because no waves were incident from the right. The coefficient $A$ represents the incident wave coming from the left. It is our `beam' and so we consider it to be known.

What is the coefficient $F$ in terms of $A$ and any known matrix element (i.e., a matrix element from $\rm\bf t$, $\rm\bf d_{12}$, $\rm\bf d_{21}$, $\rm\bf p_{1}^{-1}$, and $\rm\bf p_{2}$)?

Now get an expression for $B$ in terms of $A$ and any known matrix element.

How is the wave function in region 1, $\psi_1$, related to the wave function in region 2, $\psi_2$?

Now get a relationship for $C$ in terms of $A$, $B$, $F$, and any matrix element. Don't work too hard at getting things pretty if you are running out of time.

Table of Constants

Speed of light $c$ $2.9979\times 10^8 ~m/s$
Boltzmann's constant $k_B$ $1.381\times 10^{-23}~J/K$
    $8.62\times 10^{-5}~eV/k$
Planck's constant $h$ $6.621 \times 10^{-34}~J-s$
    $4.1357\times 10^{-15}~eV-s$
  $\hbar$ $1.0546\times 10^{-34}~J-s$
    $6.5821\times 10^{-16}~eV-s$
  $\hbar c $ $197~MeV-fm $
  $\hbar c $ $1970~eV-{\rm\AA}$
Electron charge $e$ $1.6\times 10^{-19}~C$
Electron mass $m_e$ $9.11\times 10^{-31}~kg$
Proton mass $m_p$ $1.67\times 10^{-27}kg$
Neutron mass $m_n$ $1.68\times 10^{-27}~kg$
atomic mass unit $u$ $1.66\times 10^{-27}~kg$
Fine structure constant $e^2$ $\hbar c /137$