Physics 131-01 Homework Assignments
Fall 2024

A VERY effective way to study physics is to do the homework as the material is covered in class and then do additional problems when you study for an exam. The problems should be done AFTER class on the date of the entry. If assigments are to be handed in, the due date will be explicitly stated in the assignment. See the table below for the latest updates on assigned homework problems.

Electronic links to the homework problems are below with the assignments. Solutions for those assigned problems can also be found on the course website. The problems and solutions are password-protected and are solely for the use of students in Physics 131-01 and are not be shared with people outside this class. The solutions, in particular, are not be downloaded, printed, or archived in any way. Sharing, saving, or archiving these solutions are Honor code violations.

The sections labelled 'C' below refer to chapters in the text Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Knight. Items labelled with an 'L' refer to the laboratory manual Physics For Doing by Belk et al. Items labelled with an 'I' are interactive problems with hints and solutions. Follow the link. The other labels refer to sections of the homework problems: K (kinematics), F (forces), E (energy), M (momentum), R (rotation), P (periodic), and Rel (relativity). The full contents can be found here.

Help With Physics Homework

If you have trouble with homework help is available from me during my office hours (see page 1 of the syllabus) and at other times when I'm available. The Physics Department is also arranging tutoring sessions. More on that as the schedule develops. The Academic Skills Center (, 289-8626 or 289-8956) provides several services including tutoring. A list of their services is at the following address along with other information.

Date   Assignment Date   Assignment
Aug 26 Read the syllabus; Read C1.1-1.4;
Do K: 5,6,7,9.
Oct 21 Test 2
  28 Read C1.5-1.8;
Do K: 10,11,12; Do L1: 1→13; L2: 6,7,8,11; .
  30 Do K: 8,13,14,15,16; Do L3: 1→2;
Read C2.1-2.4.
Sep 2 Read C2.5-2.6; Do I:1; K:19,20,21; L4: 1→9.   28
  4 Do I:2, K:22,23,25; L5: 10→24   30
  6 Read C 3.1-3.4, 4.1-4.2; Do I:3; K:17,18,26;
L6: 1→2.
Nov 1
  9 Nov 4
  11   6
  13   8
  16   11
  18 Test 1   13
  20   15
  23   18
  25   20 Thanksgiving Break
  27   22 Thanksgiving Break
  30   25
Oct 2   27 Test 3
Oct 4   29
  7 Dec 2
  9   4
  11   6
  14 Fall Break   9  
  16   11  
  18   13 Final, 9 am - 12 noon.

Final Exam: Friday, December 13, 9 am - 12 noon.