GDP and Temperature: Evidence on Cross-Country Response Heterogeneity with Kimberly Berg and Nelson Mark (2024) European Economic Review 169
Abstract: We use local projections to estimate the cross-country
distribution of real GDP per capita growth impulse responses to
global and idiosyncratic temperature shocks. Negative growth
responses to global temperature at longer horizons are found for all Group of Seven countries while
positive responses are found for seven of the nine poorest
countries. Global temperature shocks have negative effects on growth
for around half of the countries and seemingly anomalous positive effects for the other half.
After controlling for latitude and average temperature,
positive growth responses to global temperature shocks are more
likely for countries that are poorer, have
experienced slower growth, are less educated (lower high school
attainment), less open to trade, and more authoritarian.
Working, Consuming, and Dying: Quantifying the Diversity in the American Experience with Julio Garín and Robert Lester (2022) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 138
Abstract: We document how lifetime utility varies by demographic groups in the US and how
these differences have evolved since the start of the 21st century. Using the equivalent
variation as our measure of welfare we find that the standard deviation in cross-sectional
well-being between demographic groups is comparable to the standard deviation of
relative annual income in prime earning years and double the standard deviation of
relative consumption. Our metric includes consumption, leisure, and mortality risk.
The results are primarily driven by differences in consumption and life expectancy.
Controlling for other demographics, welfare is increasing in educational attainment
and is higher for women and those of Asian descent. This qualitative ordering is
robust to classifying a broad measure of home production and child care as work and
various definitions of real consumption. Finally, we show that changes in mortality
rates associated with `deaths of despair' disproportionately lower the welfare of less
educated Whites.
Population Aging, Economic Growth, and the Importance of Capital with Steven Lugauer (2022) Journal of Economic Insight 48:1
Abstract: This paper argues that the impact on economic growth from the on-going demographic
transition in the population age-distribution depends critically on the relative importance of labor versus capital in production. Our key insight is that as the working
share of the population decreases, output per person does not necessarily fall. Within
a simple model of aggregate production, population aging can increase output per person, if production is sufficiently capital intensive. Cross-country regressions provide
empirical support for our theory.
Abstract: We show that consumption expenditures for older households are more responsive to
monetary policy shocks than for young or middle-aged households. A one standard
deviation expansionary monetary policy shock induces a statistically significant and
quantitatively large (1.7%) increase in aggregate consumption for old households over
the ensuing 3 years. The responses for young and middle-aged households are smaller
and not statistically significant. We also present evidence suggesting that life-cycle
wealth effects play a role in driving the responses. We then build the wealth mechanism
into a partial equilibrium life-cycle model, which can qualitatively match the empirical
Abstract: We present a model of a multinational firm to quantify the eects of policy changes
in repatriation tax rates. The framework captures the dynamic responses of the firm
from the time a policy change is anticipated through its enactment, including its long-
run effects. We find that failing to account for anticipatory behavior surrounding a
reduction in repatriation tax rates overstates the amount of profits repatriated from
abroad and underestimates tax revenue losses. We further show that policy changes
have a relatively small impact on hiring and investment decisions if firms have relatively
easy access to credit markets – as is the case for most multinational firms. Finally,
by altering the relative price of holding assets abroad, news of a future reduction in
repatriation tax rates acts as an implicit tax on repatriating funds today. We capture
and quantify this "shadow tax."
Inflation and the Evolution of Firm-Level Liquid Assets with Julio Garín and M. Saif Mehkari (2017) Journal of Banking and Finance 81: 24-35
Abstract: This paper shows that in
ation has been an important determinant of firm-level liquid asset
holdings. Liquid assets as a share of total assets – the cash ratio – for U.S. corporations steadily
declined from the 1960s to the early 1980s, and has since steadily increased. Our empirical
analysis finds that in
ation is a key factor accounting for these changes. We show that these
liquid asset holdings are imperfectly hedged against in
ation. Hence, changes in in
ation alter
the real value of a firm's liquid asset portfolio causing them to readjust these balances.
Demographics and Aggregate Household Saving in Japan, China, and India with Steven Lugauer and Nelson Mark (2017) Journal of Macroeconomics 51: 175-191
Abstract: We use a model of household life-cycle saving decisions to quantify the impact of demographic
changes on aggregate household saving rates in Japan, China, and India. The observed age distributions help explain the contrasting saving patterns over time across the three countries. In the
model simulations, the growing number of retirees suppresses Japanese saving rates, while decreasing family size increases saving for both China and India. Projecting forward, the model predicts
a decline in household saving rates in Japan and China.
Economic Reforms and the Evolution of China's TFP (2016) Review of Economic Dynamics 21: 225-245
Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of economic reforms on China’s growth in total factor productivity (TFP). I build a model with two sectors in production – the private and the state sectors – that features capital market imperfections on the private sector. Following the removal of prohibitive barriers to private entrepreneurship (reforms), TFP gains follow the expansion of the private sector and the closure of the least productive state enterprises. Although the distribution of production technologies in both sectors is identical, the model generates persistently higher TFP in the private sector via a selection mechanism arising from financial frictions.
Demographic Patterns and Household saving in China with Steven Lugauer and Nelson Mark (2015) American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 17(2): 58-94
Abstract: This paper studies how demographic variation aects the aggregate
household saving rate. We focus on China because it is experiencing an historic demographic transition and has had a massive
increase in household saving. We conduct a quantitative investigation using a structural overlapping generations model that incorporates parental care through support for dependent children and
financial transfers to retirees. The saving decisions in the parameterized model mimics many of the features observed in the Chinese
household saving rate time series from 1955 to 2009. Demographic
change alone accounts for over half of the saving rate increase.
Business Cycles, Consumption, and Risk Sharing: How Different is China? with Nelson Mark (2011) The Evolving Role of Asia in Global Finance (Y.W. Cheung, V. Kakkar, and G. Ma, eds.)
Abstract: Can standard business cycle methodology be applied to China? In this
chapter, we address this question by examining the macroeconomic time
series and identifying dimensions in which China differs from economies
(such as Canada and the United States) that are typically the subject of
business cycle research. We show that naively applying the standard
business cycle tools to China is no more ridiculous than applying it
to Canada, although the dimensions along which the model struggles
is different. For China, the model cannot account for the low level of
consumption (or high saving) as a proportion of income observed in the
data. An examination of provincial level consumption data suggests that
the absence of channels for intranational consumption risk sharing may be
an important reason why the business cycle model has trouble accounting
for Chinese consumption and saving behavior.
Abstract: We study the qualitative consequences of accounting for an unexplored source of heterogeneity in a model with nominal rigidities. Using micro-level data, we present evidence that older individuals are less willing to substitute across varieties of goods. In particular, we estimate the elasticity of substitution for different age groups and find that the youngest cohort (aged 25--34) exhibits a higher elasticity of substitution compared to the oldest group (65+). We incorporate this empirical finding in a Rotemberg model of price adjustment and show that the age distribution affects the slope of the Phillips curve. Taken together, our results highlight a new channel by which the age-distribution of a population could impact both the transmission mechanism and efficacy of monetary policy.
ECON 102: Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 200: Money, Banking, and Financial Markets
ECON 272: Macroeconomic Theory
Curriculum Vitae
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Department of Economics
Robins School of Business
University of Richmond
102 UR Dr.
Richmond, VA 23173