University of Richmond | Arts and Sciences | Political Science
Rick Mayes - Political Science Department


Rick Mayes
Associate Professor of Public Policy
Department of Political Science
28 Westhampton Way
University of Richmond, VA 23173

   "Beyond mountains, there are more mountains..." (near Huaraz, Peru)

Weinstein Hall #202M
Phone: (804) 287-6404
Fax: (804) 287-6833  

Sophomore Scholars-in-Residence Program

Faculty Research Affiliations
Petris Center on Health Care Markets & Consumer Welfare
(U.C. Berkeley)

Medicare Prospective Payment and the Shaping of U.S. Health Care

Table of Contents
Introductory Chapter
Ch. 5: RBRVS Reforms for Physician Payment
Concluding Chapter

Personal Links

University of Virginia
University of California, Berkeley
Dietrich Bonhoeffer     C.S. Lewis

All Things Must Pass

National Institutes of Health


  Last Modified: 8-Aug-2002 Contact Name: